Famous Nature Poem

"What The Birds Teach Us" by J. R. Eastwood highlights the resilience and determination of birds even in the bleakness of November. The poem portrays the birds as persistent creatures, braving the harsh weather and actively searching for sustenance. Their behavior serves as a lesson to humans, emphasizing that no matter how challenging the circumstances may be, as long as there is a will, there is always a way forward.

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Famous Poem

What The Birds Teach Us


November now is here,
    With skies of leaden hue,
And gloomy days and drear,
    And winds that pierce us through.

And on the hedge the rose,
    With leaves of tender green,
No more in beauty grows,
    And frost and snow are seen.

But still the Birds contrive,
    By hardship unsubdued,
To keep themselves alive,
    And keenly seek their food.

And thus they teach us still,
    However dark the day,
"That where there is a Will
    There always is a Way."


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