21. God's Special Creation
The hand that rocks the cradle
also makes the house a home.
It is the prayers of the mother
that keeps the family strong.
The hand that rocks the cradle
also makes the house a home.
It is the prayers of the mother
that keeps the family strong.
This is beautifully expressed. The introductory lines carry so much truth to keep one pressing on to the end. I love this.
The struggle to survive
To survive the daily chaos
The chaos that leads to frustration
The frustration that makes her find her strength
There's no one in this world
Who knows me quite like you.
If ever I'm in need,
You're the first one I turn to.
She's a gift to her children
Our strong devotion each day
A hand in our hand
A breath of fresh air along the way
This is heart-warming and beautifully explained. Love you, Mom. You always help me with everything, and you guide me on the right path.
You tell me that you love me when I don't love myself.
You're the one who holds my hand when I need the most help.
You smile when you're sad to make me smile too.
You make my life so much better by everything you do.
Well done, Miller. The strongest aspect of your poem is sentiment. You have expressed it so openly that you are like picking up rocks from the beach. None will be the same size, nor the same...
To be a mom is to love unconditionally for life.
To be a mom is to support in times of trouble and strife.
To be a mom is to know you can't be perfect all the time.
To be a mom is a having a mountain every day to climb.
Your birthday is the day I remember
all the wonderful things you do.
Time will fly; each day goes by,
and I've forgotten to say, "Thank you."
The lady who has loved you as you've grown
will always love and cherish you for all time.
She has the greatest heart ever known.
I will always need my mom,
regardless of my age.
She's made me laugh, made me cry.
Her love will never fade.
Aw, such a cute poem. It's very inspiration and very true. Mothers have always been there for us.
My dear mother unlike any other,
You taught me how to walk,
And you taught me how to talk.
My mother is my bus driver. She has always been there for me & when she can't be there for me, I always have my other relatives. I love her & my relatives with all my heart!
The strength you have is astounding.
The miracles you work are brilliant.
I look up to you and ask you for guidance.
I admire all that you are.
Thank you, Mom...
for the love, strength, and care,
for in this world that is quite rare.
For being my guardian and my guide
I agree with you wholeheartedly Nan. I have two beautiful daughters with totally different personalities. I had them early in life and people often mistake them for my sisters. We laugh and...
Baby dolls and dinosaurs-
one that cries, one that roars
The pitter patter of little feet-
a bike race in which they want you to compete
This is lovely and how true! There is no bond like the bond between mother and child. It's unbreakable! This is well-said.
How can I thank you for your support,
For the guidance, prayers, and help of all sorts?
So much you have done that I could never repay.
My mother is so special to me, she's more than just a friend.
Whenever I need her, she will always give me a hand.
She loves me, even from when I was a child
You always did the best you could
To make your children grow up good.
You always worked to make ends meet,
To give your children food to eat.
Beautiful tribute to your mom! You were blessed with a strong mom who taught you values. Your words remind me of my mom. I miss her every day. It will be 1 year next month since she left us...
For all the days you put up with me,
For all the smiles and calamities,
For all the love you gave to me,
I just wanna say thank you.
So, I found this poem and copied it down on a card, drew a little dragon on a bar stool with a guitar singing this poem, and gave it to a girl I really liked; now, she's my girlfriend, and...
You are my friend, my heart, my soul,
You are the best friend that I know.
You taught me how to live my life.
You are the one who taught me wrong from right.
I have not gone home for eight months now. I have no reason because my mum is the best. She calls me every now and then but I haven't made any effort to go and see her. The poem has really...
You brought me my first toy,
My first bike and baseball glove.
You filled my heart with joy,
And you filled my life with love.
I really love this poem and it is true - mother is the best of all!
Love is nature's threads
embroidered in children, stitch
by stitch by a mother.