1. Clutches
There's a little boy standing by the fence with a flag in his hand.
He's sad and confused; he doesn't understand.
He watches his daddy turn and head up on the bus.
He watches him go and doesn't even fuss.
Our lives are so busy and sometimes we live so far from our families. We miss the relationships with our families and often we do not even share important life events with them. We need to move back towards our families. If not in actual distance then at least we must move closer in our hearts. We live in a time where there are unprecedented communication possibilities. No one will ever love us unconditionally like our family can. We'd be fools not to take advantage of this opportunity.
There's a little boy standing by the fence with a flag in his hand.
He's sad and confused; he doesn't understand.
He watches his daddy turn and head up on the bus.
He watches him go and doesn't even fuss.
This poem was beautifully delivered. Every word you wrote created a picture in my head. Well done.
I thank you for the kind words and for being that beautiful you,
For listening to my side regardless of whatever you had to do.
Thank you for the gifts of love and for going out of your way.
Thanks for that great "just us girls" day.
To a mother I never knew,
From a son who desperately misses you.
There were so many times I would imagine you,
I really felt this poem because I went through the same things. I was never really with my mother in my life. I was adopted by my aunt and uncle at the age of two. I used to always cry...
I love you and I wish you were home.
It hurts me to think you're so alone.
It's not the same without you here.
Why you did what you did is still unclear.
My little brother is 4 years younger than than me. I have been there or at least tried to be throughout his life. He had a hard life. He was raised by my aunt who passed in 2010. Since then...
I miss your voice that used to softly sing my special lullaby.
I miss your hands that used to hold me when I was scared.
I miss your eyes that would bring me to ease each time I stared into them.
I miss your nicknames you gave me when I would act bad.
This poem reminds me of my dearest mom. My mom left me this day in 2007. It's 10 years now, but my eyes well up whenever I think of her. It takes your entire lifetime to get over the loss of...
I wish I had my dad by my side.
Just thinking of him makes me cry.
Never being able to get to know him
Hurts me inside everyday that goes by.
I was 2 years old when I was taken from my parents. I was 8 years old when I lost my dad. He was 50 when he passed away from cancer. I hardly knew my dad. This poem is sad, but it's like my...
If you saw me on the street
would you stop and talk to me
or would you look right past me,
a stranger you didn't see?
It's terrible when a mom or dad leaves, but I think you did a great job writing this poem.
Swinging on the porch swing early in the night,
Listening to crickets and watching fireflies light.
I loved to sit beside her and listen to her sing.
We could sit for hours on the ole porch swing.
I was touched by this poem as it made me take a trip down the memory lane. I had lived some beautiful years of my childhood with my great granny. She was extremely gentle and loving. She...
I still miss you
As the weeks and years go by.
I still miss you
Brother John, though it must hurt so much that you and the love of your life had to part, keep this thought in your heart, the day will come when you and your wife will meet in heaven and...
Colors of dark grey and black fill the world in which I live
No other feeling could possibly be worse than this
Where once was a room filled with laughter and cheer
Now stands loneliness, emptiness, and despair
Alone again, my child and me.
Wondering who the lucky guy is
My endless love for you is killing me
I can't find the courage to walk away
The swelling waves of pain drown me
I'm trapped...
Every time I think of this,
My heart seems to shatter, how unnatural it is,
What an awful hour,
The thought of me leaving,
As you left, you said you'd be back
And promised that we would be together again.
Visions of the future,
Of all the fun times you had promised, filled my head
I really like this poem. My brother is leaving in a couple of days and I'm going miss him.
There are now three empty chairs at the Christmas table.
It's a time I find difficult, even unable
To find joy on this family day.
I fall down on my knees and begin to cry.
For I never wanted you to leave my side.
I wanted you to be by my side forever and ever.
And I wanted to leave your side never.
Beautiful poem.
I lost my mom 13 years ago, a month before my wedding day.
I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Just to say to her.. '' I LOVE U''
What you mean to me:
You are the sun in the sky,
You are the light shining by,
You are the breeze in my hair,
I feel like I could've wrote this myself.. I had some trouble a few years ago and my ex-sister in law offered to take over until I got on my feet. Long story short she betrayed me..and now...
I often wonder how life would be, if you were still down here with me.
I often wonder if you'd make them proud, would you be quiet or would you be loud?
I often wonder if you'd be class clown, bring someone up if they were down.
I often wonder if you'd be bright, be the type who is always right.
This is so perfect to how I feel. My brother passed away before I was born and I was named after him, so I have always felt this massive connection and sometimes emptiness and jealousy that I...
This life is filled with pain and sorrow,
I always wonder if I'll make it through tomorrow.
I don't know what I'm going to do,
I'm always missing you.
It's heartbreaking for me to read your story because it sounds so much like mine. On October 12, 2016, my grandmother on my mom's side died. She raised me like her child, so she was my mama....
Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries are hard,
But Valentine's Day seems the hardest of all.
Christmas I celebrate with all I hold dear,
Though your absence is felt through all of the cheer.
Lost my beautiful bride of 19 years on February 26, 2016. We were married on Valentine’s Day 1997. Wish I could have another 19 years with her. Valentine’s Day will never be the same. Tears...
what happened to the person
the one I used to know
the one who never let me down
and never told me no
Wow ..it's like story of my life..
My mom has a bf and now she doesn't even want to spend any time with us. She recently kicked me out of her house because she thought I was high..she drug...
My Marine so far from home.
Over seas, but not alone.
I hold you close in my thoughts and prayers.
Missing you through all my tears.