21. Amanda, My Daughter
They laid you in my arms all tiny and new
Then God whispered in my ear
I have someone special for you
They laid you in my arms all tiny and new
Then God whispered in my ear
I have someone special for you
Wonderful piece of poetry, Joyful thoughts about a God gifted daughter, transformed and translated in to beautiful words which touched my heart. The Love, The care, The concern, A father has...
my daughter is very special,
kind and very true.
If you've ever met her,
I'm sure you'd think so too.
Very well written. I feel the same way towards my Angel. Thank you for writing this. God Bless.
God rewarded my life with the smile of my baby girl.
She's brought great joy to me since the hour she entered the world.
Her spirit allows me to see the beautiful world through her eyes.
That child has made a mammoth improvement for many people's lives.
I have 3 daughters and 6 grandkids. I'm blessed to have them all in my life. This poem represents exactly how I feel. Very good.
To my daughter,
I've got something special to say,
I wish you the happiness,
On this your special day.
Beautiful! I am sure she loved this on her day. I hope she and you are living a healthy life together with her new family.
She is a rebel, she is a dreamer
She is an Angel, she is a schemer
She is a Weeping Willow, she is a Redwood tree
My bond grows stronger each passing year,
My love will never disappear.
From the moment you were born,
My heart is filled with joy, and you I adore.
She's not a baby anymore.
It's a happy kind of sad
When baby girl turns to daughter
And Da-Da turns to Dad.
D azzling is your smile; it lights up my way
A s I go about my mundane chores every day.
U nfailingly, I look forward to our daily chat.
G enuine and deep is our bond, I believe that.
When I first held you in my arms,
You were so perfect and so small.
You are a full-grown woman now;
And I am proud, oh how!
Encircle your child with love
Offer your hand to guide her
Shower her with tenderness
Shelter away her fears
You are all grown up as anyone can see.
A beautiful lady standing in front of me.
Spreading your wings and leaving the nest,
to see what's out there for you at best.
I don't know what you're going through,
But I hope you understand,
I'm just trying to be your mum
And give you a guiding hand.
On sunny days and dark nights,
in troubled times and pointless fights,
you've been right there through it all,
you've stood your ground when you could have taken the fall.
From whence did you come my daughter dear?
You fell from heaven through the stardust
Into my world awaiting God's gift.