21. A Father's Love
The pleasure I gain
From being a Dad
Is down to my children,
All three that I've had.
The pleasure I gain
From being a Dad
Is down to my children,
All three that I've had.
I was looking for a poem about my step-son's love for his three children, now that he and their mother are divorced, to put on a scrapbook page of him and the children, and this poem was...
This vase may be quite tiny,
but its importance is monumental and grand!
For the love that went into each picked "flower,"
was carefully chosen by your child's small hand.
If I didn't know where you came from,
If you had a different name,
Or perhaps you were a different color,
I would still love you the same.
Famous Poem
Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself
They come through you but not from you
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you
Famous Poem
When the voices of children are heard on the green,
And laughing is heard on the hill,
My heart is at rest within my breast,
And everything else is still.
It's so great. I read this poem when I was in 7th grade. I love it so much.
A gardener, if he's very wise,
When it is planting season,
Will always use the best of seeds.
It only stands to reason.
Through your eyes I see the stars so bright,
the moon, and the darkness of night.
I see butterflies and flowers
that dance in the breeze.
If I were a magician with dancing eyes,
I’d grant all your wishes for a smile.
Sunny skies full of waltzing butterflies,
New friends to share your toys (for a while).
If I could, I would remove all your fears
If I could, I would remove all your tears
If I could, I would make life painless
If I could, I would give you all your courage
Words can hardly describe
how much you mean to me,
the love I felt inside
when you looked up at me.
I sit and wonder where time goes.
We try our best to teach them right.
As times change and our children grow,
We love them with all our might.
I plan to share this with young mothers in a Mother and Daughter Retreat. Thank you a poem that teaches so much.
I received a gift on that faithful day
Of which I know I could never repay,
Just as God came down to say
He just gave one of his Angels away.
I am too a pampered daughter and I loved reading your poem, it touched my heart. Thanks for sharing
Little children are a treasure
Their worth you cannot measure
In terms of money or gold.
I work with children. So the poem is how exactly I feel about them.
How tiring it is
To be three years old.
Sit here, eat that,
Be constantly told.
Full of laughter
Never ending dreams
When the sky reaches out, you'll see me
When the night is full
Our children are here to stay
But our babies are not, I'm sorry to say
They grow and learn every day
In the most remarkable and intriguing way
Yes it has very much so because I lost my 17 year old baby in march 2009 and it was like losing my heart and soul, my own life.
One day I came into your life,
as an empty little page
on which your every word or action
will forever be engraved.
A gentle kiss upon the cheek,
Their love growing stronger with each week.
Watching them make each other laugh,
To my so sweet babies,
Who suffer through this most,
I am so very sorry
You must read this in a post.
We recall the things our children used to say
For example from our daughter "I just want my hodalays"
We smile at the many times they use a phrase
And lots of other quirky things, on happy days