Children Poem

Finding Fulfillment In Motherhood

A mother writes how her children have enriched her and completed her.

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Children, You Complete Me


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

Words can hardly describe
how much you mean to me,
the love I felt inside
when you looked up at me.
Your perfect little fingers
your tiny little toes,
made hearts around you linger
and long to hold you close.
Your beautiful, innocent face,
those shining blue eyes,
made my world a better place
much bluer were the skies.
My little red-haired boy
his freckles they do dance.
He's always got a story,
makes us laugh at every chance.
My curly blonde-haired girl,
such spirit she possesses.
Her little mind just swirls
with all those little questions.
Children, you complete me.
I could not ask for more.
Thank you, God, for giving me
two children I adore.


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