21. Times Gone By
Graves of those once loved in times gone by,
Quietly lying in rows beneath the Earth's sky;
Such a peaceful place of many deep sorrows,
Where the living walk among solemn rows,
Graves of those once loved in times gone by,
Quietly lying in rows beneath the Earth's sky;
Such a peaceful place of many deep sorrows,
Where the living walk among solemn rows,
I have done a lot of genealogy research and have visited quite a few cemeteries. Some of them were small and very old, and some of them neglected. I took up genealogy to discover my roots and...
You walk beside me every day.
You're here in all I do and say.
At night I close my eyes and pray
To someone who took you away.
Love it, hits the right notes for me as a recent widow. It beautifully expressed my thoughts.
When I remember you, I remember the first time we met.
I look back at our time together with absolutely no regret.
When I remember you, I remember the first time I looked into your eyes.
Your birthday is here again,
but in heaven you will be.
We will celebrate your special day
visiting you and your memorial tree.
Within my heart beats a separate pulse
With a rhythm all its own.
It comforts me in my times of need
And keeps me from feeling alone.
Do not stand beside my grave and cry
Because I am not there
I am still alive
Thank you all. Reading your stories makes me feel like I'm not alone. I miss my brother. Two weeks before his birthday God took him. Today is his birthday, and I want to give my best present....
If I had one wish to make
I'd use it up on you.
Just to see you one more time
In the heavenly sky so blue
Looking for a poem to remember my youngest sister and my dad. My sister left us May 2011 - leaving her 3 little boys and it's 30 years since my dad left us. This poem just says everything...
The strongest branch has fallen
From our family tree.
God had his way; he's taking me home,
So you need not grieve for me.
My oldest brother passed away on Dec 24, 2016, and this poem was published that same day. This poem speaks volumes to me. Thanks for sharing!
Famous Poem
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
I just like it. First heard the poem when in high school and recently the poem has risen from my deep memory to everyday recollection.
I woke up to see the bright Connecticut sky.
My mom came in with a holiday twinkle in her eye.
She helped me get dressed and the morning flew by.
The day you left us was heartbreak and sorrow.
The day you left us we saw no tomorrow.
The day you left us we didn't understand.
The day you left us God had you by the hand.
I dedicate this poem to my mum and dad, who died within a week of each other.
I lost you all those years ago,
But memories don't fade; they grow.
Your special day will always be
One that means so much to me.
The very first month
Of each passing year
Brings up your birthday
Even though you're not here.
Since the day the skies turned gray
It was then I thought of you
As the rain pondered upon my tin-roof
Tears from my eyes shown how much I missed you
I know you are crying and you are sad, but I just want to let you know that you don't have to cry anymore. Pray and you will see them close to your eyes. They are there Get together with...
The familiar sting of tears in my eyes
And the ripping pain in my heart.
It's been almost a year since the dreaded day
The same thing happened to me. My Meme had breast cancer for 14 years. She was in remission 3 times, but it came back for a 4th time. It has been 5 years since that fateful day. It was a...
I'll wait patiently here in heaven
For the day that you make your presence.
A transcendental get-together
That'll last till the end of forever.
He marches in God's army now but once
upon a time,
With valor he fought long and proud
our freedom on his mind.
Dedicated to the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary
They were the ones who made us smile
And blessed our lives for a very short while.
Remember me with laughter, for I loved to make you smile.
I'll be that funny thought you haven't thought of in a while.
Remember me when sunshine is streaming on your face;
the warmth that you are feeling is me and my embrace.
With angel wings
You flew into my life
And covered me
Like a blanket in the night