In Memory Poem

Celebrating A Birthday In Heaven

My best friend lost her 3-year-old son, Jayden, to Meningitis in 2012, just 2 weeks before Christmas. We got him to the hospital, but he later died. Jayden was a big part of my life, and watching him pass away was extremely heartbreaking. Writing this poem for Jayden's birthday has enabled me to express what he means to us all.

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Balloons In Heaven


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2019 with permission of the Author.

Your birthday is here again,
but in heaven you will be.
We will celebrate your special day
visiting you and your memorial tree.

You are now another year older;
this will never show on your face.
In heaven you are a child forever
as this is your magical place.

We call out your precious name
and send balloons up to the sky.
We watch them fade into the clouds.
The wind has sent them up high.

We hope you have a party up there
with the balloons we sent to you.
Presents to open from the angels
and a cake with some candles too!

We will sing you Happy Birthday,
but we try not to shed a tear
as this should be a happy day
we will celebrate each year.


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