41. Dear Dad
Dear Dad, I can't believe it's been two years;
It feels like it was only yesterday.
I wish you were still here,
But the sky is the place you stay.
Dear Dad, I can't believe it's been two years;
It feels like it was only yesterday.
I wish you were still here,
But the sky is the place you stay.
Fathers, daughters, a timeless bond
Vaster than oceans, tranquil as ponds
My FATHER is gone
I lost my dad 9 months ago now and it is still hard for me to come to terms with the loss. This poem has given me great comfort especially as it is the first Christmas without him.
I can't believe it's been four years.
It doesn't feel like it's been that long.
I wish you could come home,
But in the sky is where you belong.
I, too, have lost my father, and the void created can never be filled. There are so many things that I feel I should have done for him when he was around, so many things I should have said to...
I have no words that can express
How much love I have for you.
You taught me everything I know,
Through the years as I grew.
I wrap my mouth to shut in the sound.
I cry so much, so deep, so profound.
I cannot comprehend that you are gone,
Life can change in a single breath.
Life can be crushed when we are faced with death.
It tears families apart,
Famous Poem
Father and I were gypsies.―
We tried to lose our way
Among the woodland mystery,
When we'd a holiday.
The golden lights are twinkling
With Christmas in the air;
Bing Crosby sweetly singing,
And snowflakes in my hair.
You could have written this poem for me - it will be my first Christmas without my husband. I've written a similar poem myself, but if you check it out you will find it's not as good as...
Another day slips on by
Spent sadly wondering why
If only we could rewind the clanging chimes
From the slowly turning hands of time