21. The Fisherman
Famous Poem
The fisherman goes out at dawn
When every one's abed,
And from the bottom of the sea
Draws up his daily bread.
Famous Poem
The fisherman goes out at dawn
When every one's abed,
And from the bottom of the sea
Draws up his daily bread.
The way the poet described the life of a fisherman, his continuous effort and sacrifice to stand independent, and the powerful simile used, makes the poem a classic one.
If winter were a person, she would be a girl with frosty hair.
Winter would wear snow pants, snow boots, gloves, a hat, and scarf.
Winter would smell like hot chocolate and peanut butter and Hershey Kiss cookies baking in the oven.
Winter would spend the day eating cookies and drinking hot cocoa by a lake.
A beautiful, inspirational poem Olivia, most impressive for someone only ten years old. Loved it!!!
I'm just a little sunbeam.
Along the floor I crawl.
I climb up walls.
I creep down halls.
A simple poem with a common idea. I love the metaphorical use of the idea.
The cold winter has passed, and now comes spring.
The newly hatched baby birds will cause the mother birds to sing.
The warm sun comes out, little cherry blossoms are in bloom.
Springtime is a great time of joy to every person, girl and boy. The flower buds, the springy smell, are lovely springtime charms. Enjoy!
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
You see now, it's invisible
to the naked eye.
This is an absolutely beautiful poem that made me think of God; how God proves that he is there and who he is. It made me think of how he is always there, invisible to the naked eye for now...
The birds sing,
Bugs cling,
Butterflies flutter,
Water drips from a gutter.
Great poem on spring. I really enjoyed reading it. I love how you wrote about "birds singing."
I followed the moon,
Or did it follow me?
I turned a corner;
It was still there, you see.
I teach second graders about the moon and its phases in our international school. We also study poetry. I think this idea will appeal to young poetry writers who are challenged to come up...
On a day like today, please take me away,
From the blowy and blustery weather.
I can't fly a kite or ride my bike,
Because of the blustery weather.
Describes my son in his youth! This name is familiar!
Famous Poem
Allie, call the birds in,
The birds from the sky.
Allie calls, Allie sings,
Down they all fly.
I met Sr. Graves in Deya de Mallorca in 1973. Having visited his home and met his family, he was kind to return the favor by singing this song among others that are of the repertoire of folk...
Famous Poem
How good to lie a little while
And look up through the tree!
The Sky is like a kind big smile
Bent sweetly over me.
Famous Poem
Winter is the king of showmen,
Turning tree stumps into snow men
And houses into birthday cakes
And spreading sugar over lakes.
The grass is green across the hill,
But yellow blooms the daffodil.
It's sunshine on a little stalk,
A friendly flower, I bet they talk...
When I’m caught out and angry, and tears start to flow,
I pack up my rucksack and quickly I go
To the huge, towering oak tree, in the field by the woods,
Where nobody says that I shouldn’t or should.
I imagined, though ever so brief, that I was a leaf;
And the wind blew me off my tree.
I was excited - even delighted,
Because of the wonderful sights I would see.
Famous Poem
The sunshine has a pleasant way
Of shining on us all the day,
It makes the little window bright,
And fills the room with pretty light.
The Wind is such a strange and amazing being –
It has no legs, yet it travels far and wide.
It soars up to the clouds, climbs mountain peaks,
Swirls across sandy deserts and sweeps over the sea side.
Beautiful fresh purple flowers on a hill
Slowly moving water mill
Clumps of wet frost on the ground
Life is all around
Famous Poem
The coach is at the door at last;
The eager children, mounting fast
And kissing hands, in chorus sing:
Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!
This is a wonderful world, and it's true.
It's for us, the trees, and animals, too.
Mother Earth provides us with what we need,
Famous Poem
I love these days when autumn leaves
Are falling everywhere around,
And I can tread among the sheaves,
And hear the crispy, crunchy sound.