1. The Rainbow
Famous Poem
Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier far than these.
Children don’t need fancy toys or technology. They naturally yearn to explore the outdoors. Hours could be spent playing in mud, watching clouds float by, or observing animals. They see the simple beauty in nature. They love all things, from slimy animals to the beauty of seasons and the mountains. Children are curious to explore the natural elements around them.
Famous Poem
Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier far than these.
My 11-year-old daughter loved this and learned quickly to recite it.
Famous Poem
How good to lie a little while
And look up through the tree!
The Sky is like a kind big smile
Bent sweetly over me.
Famous Poem
Winter is the king of showmen,
Turning tree stumps into snow men
And houses into birthday cakes
And spreading sugar over lakes.
Famous Poem
The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;
She shines on thieves on the garden wall,
On streets and fields and harbour quays,
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.
Really nice. There's not a much more spectacular site than a full moon, especially on a snow covered landscape.
Famous Poem
How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!
The poem is really relaxing. I smiled as I read; it's just like riding a swing. Simple things like this make life beautiful. And the garden green, the roof so brown, the air so blue.... it's...
Famous Poem
The sunshine has a pleasant way
Of shining on us all the day,
It makes the little window bright,
And fills the room with pretty light.
Famous Poem
The coach is at the door at last;
The eager children, mounting fast
And kissing hands, in chorus sing:
Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!
Famous Poem
I love these days when autumn leaves
Are falling everywhere around,
And I can tread among the sheaves,
And hear the crispy, crunchy sound.
Famous Poem
The fisherman goes out at dawn
When every one's abed,
And from the bottom of the sea
Draws up his daily bread.
The way the poet described the life of a fisherman, his continuous effort and sacrifice to stand independent, and the powerful simile used, makes the poem a classic one.
Famous Poem
In Winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle light.
In Summer, quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.
Famous Poem
What is pink? A rose is pink
By the fountain's brink.
What is red? A poppy's red
In its barley bed.
This was a poem I learned at school in my elocution lessons in the early 1960s. It was recited at the end of term and if deserved, a certificate was awarded. The Covid-19 outbreak means I am...
Famous Poem
Birds all the sunny day
Flutter and quarrel
Here in the arbour-like
Tent of the laurel.
Famous Poem
The tree outside stands straight and tall
And never can lie down at all;
For if it once should take a rest,
I fear for each small swinging nest;
Famous Poem
Over in the meadow,
In the sand, in the sun,
Lived an old mother toad
And her little toadie one.
Famous Poem
Swinging on a birch-tree
To a sleepy tune,
Hummed by all the breezes
In the month of June!
The sun is shining,
The sky is blue,
The birds are flying,
And the breeze is so cool.
I really like it about future generations and thinking ahead.
The grass is green across the hill,
But yellow blooms the daffodil.
It's sunshine on a little stalk,
A friendly flower, I bet they talk...
The grass so green,
the sun so bright.
Life seems a dream,
no worries in sight.
I really love this site. I have become very inspired by this. I want to read more poems about all the relationships and a lot more things on earth. Thank you.
Cheeky Beak's a robin,
He lives beside my house.
He's redder than a berry,
And rounder than a mouse.
Such a fun loving poem. This poem painted your chirping friend beautifully.
Here it comes,
Ready or not.
Summer's coming,
And it's going to be hot!
Awesome poem, Suhaani. I love the way you wrote about summer.