Relationship Poem

Learning How To Love Poem

Relationships seem so complicated yet they are so simple. It's about respecting and cherishing your partner as a feeling being. I have confused manipulation and control, and allowed myself to be disrespected all in the name of love. But learning that I needed to love and respect myself opened me to a love that allows me to love without boundaries and to trust my partner because I now trust myself. For this I am grateful and cherish my partner.

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My Love My love, My love Come and go away with me to the secret place of the heart A place only you can enter and be mine forever Love is the greatest thing you can give to another I...

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Your Love In The Palm Of My Hand


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2013 with permission of the Author.

I hold our love in the palm of my hand as one would a newborn,
with awe and delicacy,
with softness and protection,
with the promise to nurture

I hold our love in the palm of my hand as one would a stone found on a sunny ocean shore,
with respect for its strength,
with wonder for its resiliency,
with deference for its journey to the shore

I hold our love in the palm of my hand as one would a diamond,
with humility of its beauty,
with amazement at its density,
with humbleness of its potential to withstand harshness

I hold our love in the palm of my hand as I would my own,
accepting its fragility, acknowledging its power,
respecting its potency and most of all,
understanding its need to be cherished

I recognize that the love I feel for you is a gift to be appreciated,
and in so doing,
it may have the chance to grow and flourish


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  • Rose Kelly by Rose Kelly, Georgia
  • 10 years ago

My Love
My love, My love
Come and go away
with me to the secret place of the heart
A place only you can enter and be mine forever
Love is the greatest thing you can give to another
I give my love to you

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