Teen Crush Poem

Finding Love With A Best Friend Poem

I wrote this originally for this guy I really like but I was too chicken to show him. It has been two years since I wrote it. I am 14 now and we are still best friends. Hopefully I can give this to him before it's too late. This basically shows how every girl feels about a guy when she first has a crush on him. She not only questions her love for him but also how he feels about her.

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With You My Knees Weak


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

Even hearing your name makes my knees weak
It takes me to a place I can't even describe
I know that we have been friends
But is it wrong that I want to be more?
Seeing the places that we could explore
Together, forever is how I want it to be
Just you and me

I know we have been through a lot
Tried to untangle every knot
But is it possible that you love me?
Can everyone see the couple I want us to be
Dreaming every night of us being together.
Through every type of weather.

I love when it rains because I can sit outside
Thinking about being by your side
When your heart is broken
You are my token
I will always be right here
For you
Beside you
With you


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