Betrayal Poem

Poem About Being Played By A Guy

I was inspired to write this poem after being stood up for the 3rd time by a guy who had led me to believe he was completely into me. Phone conversations in the middle of the night that would last for hours, dates that were absolutely awesome on every level, unbelievable rapport and compatibility, physical attraction... just a lot in common... like twin flames. But then he started making dates but never showed or even called, sometimes until a week or two later. Then he just stopped... no closure.

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I was talking to this guy, pretty seriously, for 3 months. I was skeptical of him at first, but after hanging out in person, I was hooked on him. I would go over and we would have days in...

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Why Play At Being Real?

© more by Shannon Michelle Haynes

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2016 with permission of the Author.

He blew into my life like a sweet summer breeze,
Stole my heart in an instant, made me weak in the knees...

He seemed so sincere when he'd look in my eyes
And say the things I've waited to hear my whole life.

I thought he was different... I thought he was real.
I never thought I could feel the way he made me feel.

I just don't understand why he wasted the time
When there was nothing to gain on his end or mine.

It was perfectly senseless...not one reason why
He would just disappear without saying goodbye.

He had me floating on air, then let me crash to the ground.
It's too much to wrap my mind around.

Why play at being real? No one wins in the end.
Someone always gets hurt when the other pretends.

Why say all those things when you don't mean a word?
It's mean and it's's completely absurd.

Now I'm left here to wonder what could've gone wrong,
Why he just stopped calling, why he strung me along?

My thoughts, they consume me, like a crop consumes rain.
Another sleepless night just might drive me insane.

I toss and I turn over and over again.
I can't help but feel like I've lost my best friend.

But a friend would be honest, wouldn't play with your heart.
A friend wouldn't lie to you right from the start.

A friend would still be there come tomorrow...
A friend would comfort, not cause you sorrow. 

I wonder if....whatever his reasons may be
That surely he knew his actions would hurt me?

And I wonder if from time to time
The thought of me might cross his mind?

Does he think about my "angel" eyes
Filled with tears because he lied?

Does my memory haunt him in his sleep?
For him it's probably not that deep.

I truly wish him all the best,
Hope he's okay and finds happiness... 

Finds everything he's looking for....
Good health, true love and so much more.

I miss him, and it breaks my heart,
That it had to end before it got to start.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Xaida by Xaida
  • 2 years ago

I was with this guy, but I soon discovered that he was dating four of my classmates. When I told confronted him about it, he didn't even deny it.

  • Melissa Natalia by Melissa Natalia
  • 5 years ago

I was talking to this guy, pretty seriously, for 3 months. I was skeptical of him at first, but after hanging out in person, I was hooked on him. I would go over and we would have days in together or we would go on coffee and ice cream dates. It was amazing and he was amazing. Then he started to seem withdrawn, and I called him out on it. He told me that he had never actually liked me and that he had only been using me for "entertainment"... I was hurt. Then he told me to delete our messages and his number. I did, but it was hard. Especially the messages. I had received so many paragraphs from him about how much he liked me and everything he liked about me. He would obviously compliment my physical traits, but he really got my personality, and when he complimented that, it not only made me like him more, but it made me like myself more. He made me feel appreciated in a way I never had before. And then he took it all away in a few simple texts. I just want to understand why he did it to me.

  • Shannon Adams Haynes by Shannon Adams Haynes
  • 3 years ago

I am just now seeing that my poems were published years ago. I would've told you then, that's exactly how this guy made me feel. Your story Almost made me want to ask you if it could've been the same guy. Crazy...
I am way past this now and never even think about him and I hope you are past yours. I still don't have the answers, but I know he didn't deserve me and if I'm not mistaken, I found out later that he had been married and his wife was catching on. Jerk. That guy didn't deserve you either. Hope you've moved on.
Shannon Michelle Haynes

  • Ga by Ga
  • 7 years ago

This poem is a very good one. It reminds me of a friend of mine who seemed to be by my side. Recently I discovered that I was just fooling myself. She blocked me on Facebook and changed her number. There's no contacting her anymore, but I still always wish her the best.

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