Broken Friendship Poem

I wrote this for my best friend. She cheated on her boyfriend of four years and then dumped him for another guy who is out of control. What she doesn't know is her ex was about to get her a ring.

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Thanks to the poet. This poem really spoke to me. My best friend is depressed and one night decided to tell people she was about to kill herself on twitter. I saw it an hour after it was...

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The Pain Of Friendship


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

You have been my best friend for the last couple years
We stood together through the laughter and tears.
Today the tears are not mutual; they are just in my eyes.
I can't believe my best friend got caught up in these lies.

I'll never turn my back on you, our bond is too strong.
I just wish you would admit what you have done is wrong.
I try to support you in whatever choices you make,
But if I supported you in this, I would be making a mistake.

You have stepped on a lot of true friends by making this choice.
When I try to talk to you, it seems that I have no voice.
It hurts so badly when I think of what you have done.
I want to leave you behind, but I don't have the courage to run.

You are my best friend, but I don't know you anymore,
But you have shut everyone out and lost the key to the door.
You will never understand how much pain you've caused us all,
But I'm still ready to catch you when you're ready to fall.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • The Poet Reader by The Poet Reader
  • 9 years ago

Thanks to the poet. This poem really spoke to me.
My best friend is depressed and one night decided to tell people she was about to kill herself on twitter. I saw it an hour after it was posted it and tried to talk to her but she wouldn't reply to any of my messages. I didn't sleep at all that night. I got to school in the morning to find my other close friend crying at the gate because she was so worried. Our friend never turned up at the gate so we went inside just to find her laughing with a load of her friends.
Within a few days the two were friends again but I have never really forgiven her as she never said she was sorry or anything and she has done the same thing twice since then.

  • Buddy El Mirage by Buddy El Mirage
  • 10 years ago

My best friend of ten years who I considered a brother ended the friendship cause I tried to help his son stay out of a abusive potential adoption so doing the right thing for a friend will blow up in your face every time

  • Wi by Wi
  • 10 years ago

Oh my, well written but a bit off. As you learn and grow through life, the true meaning of friendship will evolve for you. We're not there for a day, a week or a month, in good times and perfection only, we're there forever, unconditionally through the good times and the bad. Everyone changes, grows, makes mistakes and falls. The fall part is what determines true friendship. The ones who witness mistakes and love anyway... Let her learn and grow through this without criticism. You never know when it will be you making bad choices...

  • Abigail by Abigail
  • 11 years ago

I had lots of problems in my life that I can't say, but I can say this is very helpful. I don't have as many problems now

  • Rileigh Greene by Rileigh Greene, Washington
  • 12 years ago

You know... we are going to have challenges and they are not meant to hurt, but strengthen. I'm so sorry your friend had to do that. It must have been very hard. I too have a best-friend that makes those bad choices. And I convince her that they're wrong, but she won't listen. I feel like giving up. However, I can't run away from her. She's too special.

  • Madhu by Madhu, India
  • 12 years ago

We both were very close, our friendship brought always jealousy in the heart of our other friends... we never thought of parting, but now I realize meet and part is the art of life... with a silly reason my friend stopped approaching me, now no respond to my call.... it hurts me so badly, his thoughts keep rushing my mind with rough waves of the sea I miss him every second of my life.... I run to my door when I hear a knock .... by expecting that would be my loved one.... above poem is very true..

  • Natalie M by Natalie M
  • 12 years ago

Hey this poem has really helped me! I'm only 13 so it's not the same story with the ring, but me and one of my best friends got into a big fight and most of the lines are true about our fight. The end when it says the I will always be there to catch you when your ready to fall helped me realize that I do want to still be her friend and now we are Best friends again!!! Thanks so much and now me and a different friend who was involved in the drama are doing a project for English using this poem. Thanks again! I love your poem!! it really is true(;

  • Alicia Acquisto by Alicia Acquisto, Oneonta
  • 13 years ago

I'm so sorry girls for what your friends did to you. No one deserves that no matter what they do and if friends believe what they were told by other people then I guess they weren't really your friends at all. I'm a nice person and would never do that to my friends.

  • Ashley Brannon by Ashley Brannon
  • 13 years ago

Hi; I am 13 years old and in the 8th grade I have a best friend name heaven Evans and she was diagnosed with cancer 3 months ago. I wanted to go commit suicide. But now I know its not the best for the both of us! I was on the phone with her asking her why she wasn't at school she said Ashley I think its time for me to tell you I have cancer. I broke down and started balling my eyes out. My daddy had cancer and now he's gone. It the most terrify thing in the world. :( I cry every single day of my life :((

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