Feelings Poem by Teens

Poem Dealing With Self-Hate

I am fifteen years old, and for years, I struggled with self-hate. No one knew since I hide it so well. I was alone and I had nowhere to go. I was always there for so many people, but no one was there for me. I was so lost, and no one cared. I'm so sorry for all those people who went through the same thing! Much love!

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Hello Miriam, how are you doing? I hope everything is great. I'm 17 years old, a teenager just like you, and I can feel your poem because I experienced the self-hatred you are talking about...

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Who Could Ever Love Me?


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2020 with permission of the Author.

When I look at myself, I see nothing good.
I see all the flaws that no one else should.
I wear a mask
To hide the pain
That always resides on my face.

They tell me I'm beautiful,
But how would they know
The secrets I have yet to tell?
The guilt that eats me up inside
About the things I've done
Each and every night.

They don't see the things that I hide
Behind the walls inside my mind.
They don't see the flaws on my skin.
For if they did, they would think I'm a sin.

So, I tell myself, who will ever love me
When no one ever hears my pleas?
Who could understand my broken thoughts,
The hate in my gut that's like a knot?

Maybe one day my thoughts will change,
But for now, they still seem to reign.
But I will keep fighting each night,
Because if I don't, then how else can I find the light?


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  • Rasti by Rasti
  • 3 years ago

Hello Miriam, how are you doing? I hope everything is great. I'm 17 years old, a teenager just like you, and I can feel your poem because I experienced the self-hatred you are talking about when I was 15 and 16. We all have flaws, some of which others don't know about. We have both light and darkness inside of us, and you are only focusing on the later. Reading your poem, I can totally see the light within you, but it's you who should acknowledge the beauty inside. We cannot always control what goes through our minds; intrusive thoughts exist. Don't be scared of them or of others finding out about them. By telling someone about your pain, you can loose the knot you mentioned. Don't be scared. You are beautiful inside and out. And if you're looking for light, it's inside your heart. Future will surely be bright.

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