Feelings Poem by Teens

Poem About What's On The Inside That Counts

It's a poem stating that being beautiful is not important. It's what's on the inside that counts.

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This poem is amazing! As a teenager we spend most of our time and energy worrying about other people's thoughts and opinions. Sometimes it's hard for us to realize that what will truly make...

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Realizing Reality


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2015 with permission of the Author.

We have been told all our lives
It's what's on the inside that matters
Until one day when beauty becomes everything
When you're told you're not pretty enough to do something
When you're told you're not beautiful enough to love someone
Being beautiful becomes part of your life
Putting makeup on so maybe they will love you
Wearing clothes that make you uncomfortable so you will fit in

Then there's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Where people hide to get away from their pain
Adding filters to their pictures
Photoshopping their face so they look acceptable
You feel good behind that screen
Dancing in a puddle of comments on how beautiful you are
Drawing in hundreds of likes
You feel positive now

Until you have to turn back to reality
When no one at school calls you pretty
No one compliments how you look
Going back and forth thinking you're pretty and then you're not

Then you meet that one person who changes everything
They're not popular, nor do they fit in
But they show you that there is much more than being pretty or beautiful
You finally take a deep breath and let your hair down
It's finally time to realize that looks don't matter
It's what's on the inside that counts


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  • Rating 4.41
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sebastian Mercado Madrigal by Sebastian Mercado Madrigal
  • 4 years ago

This is an amazing poem! Loved the way you described all the ways we try to change ourselves in order to feel accepted.

  • SebastianC. by SebastianC.
  • 4 years ago

I think this is a really good poem. It talks about a girl who thinks that you need to be beautiful to be cool or popular. For example she thinks in the photos of Instagram or Facebook you need to look good, but at the end she realizes that you can be not pretty and that doesn't matter.

  • Jacqueline Puente by Jacqueline Puente
  • 4 years ago

I really like this poem because that is our reality. Many people think that if you are not beautiful you can't do something, but actually everyone has something good and something bad. Maybe not the physical but what's inside them. Sometimes good people are beautiful, but sometimes not. None of us are perfect. You need to know that no matter what you and everybody is beautiful.

  • Rodrigo Enrique by Rodrigo Enrique
  • 4 years ago

I really liked this poem because I identified with what the author was saying because some people have judged me because of my appearance and some problems I have had. And I liked this poem overall because it talks about reality and how things work in life, and in other poems they don't always do that.

  • Eduardo by Eduardo
  • 4 years ago

I really like this poem because I think that it mostly talks about the life of the teenagers. I really like the way you write it and the way you express in the poem. It was really cool.

  • Hector by Hector
  • 4 years ago

I really liked the poem because it talks about the truth of what happens with adolescents, and because of what they go through, this also shows the feelings of a person and I think that she is not the only one who has been feeling that way. It is very good that you express your feelings with a poem instead of other actions.

  • Ariely Carrillo by Ariely Carrillo
  • 4 years ago

This poem is so cool. I think this poem is trying to make reference on what a teenage is facing right now. I totally agree in the phrase, "It's finally time to realize that looks don't matter. It's what's inside that counts." In my opinion, I think that it doesn't matter your appearance, what really matters is your personality, your emotions and feelings. What you have inside is what really counts. I love this poem!

  • Andrea Garza Cantu by Andrea Garza Cantu
  • 4 years ago

I really like your poem because it's literally the reality, and I think that it's expressing super well the teenage-hood. My favorite part was the end. Some people express themselves by making a poem. This is great.

  • Lorena Pizarro Suarez King by Lorena Pizarro Suarez King
  • 4 years ago

This poem is amazing! As a teenager we spend most of our time and energy worrying about other people's thoughts and opinions. Sometimes it's hard for us to realize that what will truly make us successful in life will be our personality, intelligence, kindness and not the way we look. I love how the poem actually expresses that feeling of tiredness towards the energy that we put into our looks, social media or society's judgmental mindset. I also love that at the end it reminds us that we need to relax, how we are on the inside is what really matters.

  • Mariana Tirado by Mariana Tirado
  • 4 years ago

I think that the poem has a lot of things that are truth because sometimes we try to change who we are to be accepted by others. The thing that matters is that you feel comfortable and confident about who you are and not look like others to be accepted. Some people just see what is on the outside, and they forget about the inside, and because of that, people forget who they are for real.

  • Emilio Martinez by Emilio Martinez
  • 4 years ago

I feel like most teenagers are more worried about how they look than how they feel. We need to start realizing that life isn't just about being perfect to others. I really liked this poem and will definitely recommend it not just teenagers but also to everyone.

  • Natalia Perez Song by Natalia Perez Song
  • 4 years ago

I really liked the poem. Many teenagers can relate to your poem because during teenage-hood many of them are very insecure. The message is incredible because it doesn't matter how a person looks. What matters is what's on the inside. I also agree that in reality we will not have a filter to look beautiful and we should be used to that and to understand that everyone is beautiful and perfect the way they are. And instead of spending hours on getting ready, we should enjoy life because we only live once and later we will regret that we didn't do the things that we loved. I also liked that the message is telling us to not be like anyone else, we should be ourselves. We shouldn't do things that we are not used to do to fit in with a group. We should act like we always do and someday people with the same interests will come. Great job!

  • Sofia Jimenez by Sofia Jimenez
  • 4 years ago

Your poem is so good! It's actually very real and it's something that does happen in real life. We feel the necessity to fit in, and we do whatever it takes to do that, and when one person tells you you are pretty, and everybody else tells you you are not, it is hard to believe. It's hard to believe that someone likes you just the way you are and with your own unique style. Again I loved your poem, and I hope that you keep writing!

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