Feelings Poem by Teens

Poem About Reaching Your Breaking Point

I am cement wall. I always am willing to let others chip at me in order to help. But at times, the pressure is strong enough to bring it crashing down. As teenagers, we have those days. When a single word, or encounter, can shatter you from the inside out. Even though we want to stay standing tall, sometimes collapsing is what we need to rebuild, to start new. So, cheers- to the cement walls, the 'breaking', that are about to collapse by the hammer and nail of the hopelessly selfish.

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Published by Family Friend Poems June 2018 with permission of the Author.

A cement wall stands tall.
Smooth and solid.
Calm, cool, collected.
Cracks spreading like roots, planning their attack.
Words like nails
Slowly being hammered further and further into its heart
Making one single hole.
Eventually the wall- hard as stone and solid as a soldier, takes a fatal blow.
The nail is hit in the one spot that allows it to do the most damage.
The infrastructure shattered,
the walls crumbling down.
Why would it be built in a way that is so easily demolished?
For every beating heart is a bleeding heart.
Don't lean to hard on a wall, cement or otherwise
Because for all you know, 
that wall is cracking.
And you- who has been resting your arm there for years,
Are the one to let it shatter
and be left with nothing but dust.


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