Falling in Love Poem

This poem is about a special man in my life. He's my inspiration for writing this poem. He's the thought that makes me smile and he's the rhythm that makes my heart beat. I wanted to share a piece of my heart on how beautiful the feeling is of "when love begins" and being able to share that love with that right person...

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What beautiful words! It made my heart pound and brought tears to my eyes. I've been falling for a man I just met, but we haven't even met yet (in person). We choose to love slowly and not...

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When Love Begins


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

I always knew that love would come find me someday,
but never did I know that it would be you who was headed my way.
You caught me off guard and took me by surprise,
but you simply captivated me, the same way you do when I look into your eyes.

It's true that every good and perfect gift is from above.
You were presented to me as a beautifully packaged gift full of humor, talent, intelligence, beauty and love.
"It isn't finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
We all have our flaws, but when I view you through my eyes, perfection is all I see.

From when you laugh to when you're upset, I still love the little things you do,
especially hearing you laugh and seeing your nose wrinkle the same way mine does. too.
Coming into this relationship has been hard at times, but we've made it through.
I know as long as we're on this journey together, there's nothing that we can't do.

Sometimes I wonder if what we have is too good to be true.
Too scared to get my heart broken and scared of the thought of losing you,
but in the end, I trust in the author and perfecter of what I believe
because what we ask for in Him, we in return shall receive.

"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also" is how the saying goes.
I may not know what tomorrow may bring, for God is the only one who knows.
The one thing I do know is that you are my one and only,
a treasure in my heart that I want to devote my whole life to completely.

I know I don't need to prove my feelings to know they're true
because what I've known in my past doesn't come close to the experience I've shared with you.
I've had the experience of being in relationships before,
however, this is the first time I've been truly happy... I couldn't ask for anything more.
It's an honor to know that I am yours, as you are mine,
and I trust God that He'll bring us together in His beautiful time.

For now, I'll be waiting patiently for that day when we'll be together,
that precious moment in time when I'll say, "It's you that I want to be with forever."
God made everything beautiful, precious and new,
just as beautiful and precious as the day will be, when I look into your eyes and say, "I Love You."


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Gail S by Gail S
  • 3 years ago

What beautiful words! It made my heart pound and brought tears to my eyes. I've been falling for a man I just met, but we haven't even met yet (in person). We choose to love slowly and not let the world around us push us as we will be ready to meet when the time is right. My heart screams the words every day inside my mind, and I know when the right time happens, the words "I love you" will be so much more than just letters on a page. It will be truth in our hearts, and this summed it up for me. Bravo to the writer. Thank you for sharing.

  • Teresa by Teresa
  • 5 years ago

This poem is really meant for me. Every word represents my present love situation. I never expected this man, but he just suddenly came into my like. I feel like God gave this man to me to see the true colors of life. I really love this man, and he loves me too. We can’t wat for the day to come that we are going to be together. Love became perfect.

  • Neer Betu by Neer Betu, San Francisco
  • 6 years ago

Although this is a boyfriend poem, when I read it, all its words seem so true about my lady love, my soul-mate. I met her 32 years back in 1986, when we both were 18. For me it was love at first sight. She reciprocated and I was the happiest person on this planet. She is perfect; I am far from being so! Unfortunately, she got married to someone else and is now living on the opposite side of the planet. We haven't met for many years and we both respect each other's spouses, yet we are so madly in love with each other. Perhaps no one can love anyone like we do. Waiting for us to be together.

  • JZIE by JZIE
  • 6 years ago

I really love this poem; it spoke what my mouth can't. I once met this guy. We accidentally met and didn't expect to fell for each other. We were both 18 years old then. I just fell for him, not because of his looks, kind gestures, and the like, but maybe because of innocence and my eagerness to feel the love, how to be loved and the feeling that you get when you wake up, knowing someone will say the sweetest words that every girl wants to hear. I thought of our future, that someday we would be "one" in the eyes of God, but we ended up departing each other for the reasons of "I have to finish my studies and fulfill my dreams." I hope and pray that one day I will meet a man who will love me for who I am, accept my flaws, and reciprocate my feelings. In God's perfect time.

  • Sougat Dasgupta by Sougat Dasgupta
  • 7 years ago

Some words actually can't be expressed. They can just can be felt by a true lover only! But this poem is carrying all of those emotions actually! It really touched my heart. Well done!

  • Musa Onaopemipo by Musa Onaopemipo
  • 8 years ago

Very heart touching! Indeed true love brings a brighter world. The world that is full of ecstasy. Kudos to the writer. She wrote what is exactly in the minds of every lover. Good job!

  • Shay Wangler by Shay Wangler
  • 8 years ago

This poem is honestly my man and I... I swore off men and then like a heaven-sent, he appeared before me, smiled and took my breath away. I love him so and this poem is yet another perfect find in expressing my truest emotions once more to him.

  • Destinee by Destinee, Alberta
  • 9 years ago

I am doing this project in my English class and I need to find a poem that has meaning to me. I really hope you don't mind me using this. I am not sure who wrote this poem but I love it. It explains how I feel and I am so touched by it. Thank you for sharing this whoever wrote this you got some talent!!

  • Wamweni Shamambo by Wamweni Shamambo, Deland, Florida
  • 9 years ago

Omg, I want to know who wrote this! I tear up each time I read this poem cause it's like you're taking words right out of my mouth. It's like you're describing me! Describing what I'm facing and how I feel. It's so beautiful and heart touching. I'm currently making a care package for my long distance sweet heart and I was looking for a message to send to him. I accidentally came upon this and I thought "Wow! Perfect! " Thank you so much. I've changed a bit of the wording, but I have you to thank for putting my feelings to words.

  • Elyana N. March by Elyana N. March, Sharjah, UAE
  • 9 years ago

I can't actually say more. Your words have covered all the thoughts that have been wandering inside my mind and heart as well. You basically did it. It feels like you are really living inside of me and you know what's hidden there! I can't say more because simply you have shortened everything into a piece of a beautiful poem.

  • Uchechi by Uchechi, Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

This is the most amazing piece I have ever read. So inspiring and touching. I have this dude and we have been going out for 8 months now. We have our flaws and so many imperfections .This poem is just what my relationship is all about and I trust God that his purpose for us to come to pass when I say 'I do' to him. Sure will send this to him. Thanks and God bless you Florence.

  • Molly by Molly
  • 10 years ago

It feels so good to have you as part of my life and spend every day with you. I am so lucky to have someone like you and love you for eternity. Live would never be the same without you and that feeling to know that someone loves you and cares about you back. That is why I love you with all my heart.

  • Sammy by Sammy, Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

This is a wonderful piece. The first poem I'm sending to my newly found love, I hope she will be the mother of my children. Thanks Florence.

  • Emmanuel by Emmanuel, Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

Thanks Florence. I really love this poem. I fell in love with a girl for almost four years now but I have never disclosed it to her but I do tell all of my friends about her. I think I am going to muster up some courage and tell her today.

  • Candy Enloe by Candy Enloe
  • 10 years ago

When I read this poem, I teared up, because everything written in it I have said to my boyfriend, who I know for sure is my soul mate. I've never been so happy with no man in my whole life. I'm a 45 year old female, he is the same age. Hope one day I will become his wife. In love him with all my heart, body, soul and mind. I think about him day in day out.

  • Nigeria by Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

Thanks Florence.....
I've known this wonderful guy for a while now, today I have accepted to date him and going through your poem expresses all the feelings and emotions between us. Your poem has helped me to define my feelings for him and I have confirmed within myself that I can marry him if he want me to.

  • Hon Mide Ebrym by Hon Mide Ebrym, Nigeria
  • 11 years ago

A wonderful piece of poem from a wonderful creature...fell in love reading this.

  • Jeanne by Jeanne, Pretoria
  • 11 years ago

I started dating a man 4 months ago. We share so much and are so awesome together. I could not ask for a better friend. I couldn't described the love I have for this man any better.

  • Potter by Potter, Colorado
  • 11 years ago

This is a truly amazing poem, I read it and instantly though of the love of my life. He is everything I could have every asked for in a partner and I am so glad that after 4 weeks of going through poems I finally found one to give him and tell him how he makes me feel. Thank you very much for being a wonderful poet.

  • Rsa by Rsa, Pretoria
  • 11 years ago

I love my ex so much that I wish we can turn back the clock and he tells me he never stopped loving me. We were dating while I was still young (16 years). We are both married but we still love each other so much. I dedicate this poem to him.

  • Robin by Robin, San Diego
  • 11 years ago

Wow I've never felt this strong for someone in my life I've been in love, lust you know how that goes... but this man I call my angel is truly one. I've never met someone so perfect in every way possible. I been married and just thought that this was it but this man comes into my life out of nowhere and stolen my heart and showed me what true love really is and what it feels to really be happy. He motivates me and makes me feel alive again... I love him so much and that you for sharing this poem so I can tell him how I truly feel. and that in time God will let us be together forever

  • Stacey by Stacey, Colorado
  • 11 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I may be young, but I do know what true love feels like and this poem summed up all of my feelings. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my love. Thank you for this poem

  • Sushi Salazar by Sushi Salazar
  • 11 years ago

I love it!! Can I turn this into a song. Do I have your permission?

  • Denise by Denise, Ballito
  • 11 years ago

Hi Florence this poem is absolutely perfect , I am 50 years old and have never in my life sent a poem to anyone. I met my boyfriend on a online dating site and as to this day 2 weeks later I still haven't met him. He started sending me poems and I loved it .Never had that happen to me before. So I decided to send him one and this was the one I sent, he loved it and I consequently have sent him another. It's a absolute amazing way to express your feelings. I know this is my husband and am looking forward to the day I become his wife. Let the glory be to God for putting us together. I love you Lord.

  • Buter Huegue by Buter Huegue
  • 11 years ago

I think that this poem is too beautiful to reflect the reality but for my position, my love story I think it's absolutely true. Thank for this wonderful author !!!

  • Vibhooti by Vibhooti
  • 12 years ago

Just perfect. Thanks for making it simple and easy and awesome to describe the man in my life.

  • Rolan by Rolan, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

I really like this poem, it touched me already even though I haven't finished reading it.

Great Poem Florence, keep it up..
I'm looking forward to read your next poem.

  • Vivian by Vivian
  • 12 years ago

I built a wall in my heart because I did not want to get hurt again. But reading your poem made me realize that I am hurting myself. Now I found a man who loves me for who I am not for what I have. Thank you may Almighty God bless you.

  • Alex by Alex, Oregon
  • 12 years ago

This poem was great. I'm falling in Love with my girl and I'm trying to shy away from it. Love hasn't always been kind but my girl is special to me. This poem was really nice.

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Singapore
  • 12 years ago

Florence, your poem has opened my eyes to finally leave the person I'm with right now and pursue my love for someone I have met and made me feel the way you feel for your guy. Thank you for your inspiring poem, you have made a difference by touching people's lives with this poem. God bless!

  • Shereen by Shereen, Egypt
  • 12 years ago

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! It's awesome. It's true. It's sincere. It's beautiful.

  • Carlita by Carlita, Philadelphia
  • 12 years ago

This poem has touched my soul. I feel exactly like this I have been searching for poems to express my feelings for quite some time now and I finally found it thanks to Florence. I just want to say you need to keep up with the poems because you are not only expressing your feelings about your relationship, but expressing other couples relationships. Thank You So Much Florence.

  • Racquel Thomas by Racquel Thomas, Jamaica
  • 13 years ago

Amazing, just amazing, all the right words I would want to say to that special someone....perfect!

  • Jhen by Jhen, Tuguegarao City
  • 13 years ago

Florence, I really love it your poem, and someday I can find it my true love, thanks for the poem because my heart was touched and I appreciate that poem...keep up your good work. god bless

  • Shona by Shona
  • 13 years ago

I really like this poem. I have faith in love , I have confidence in myself. Now that I have fallen in love, I treasure it a lot. I believe in my love and don't want to lose it forever. Love is the greatest gift of all.

  • John by John, Nottinghamshire
  • 13 years ago

Really loved this poem, and hopefully it will bring a new love into my live. Take care and god bless

  • Tanya by Tanya, Capetown
  • 13 years ago

I love your poem. It made me realize that there is prince charming out there . So I just wanted to say that I'm so happy for you and I wish you happiness in your life

  • Nary by Nary
  • 13 years ago

I like this poem, it's so deep, but what impressed me is the fact that you're a very wise and full of faith person. keep up the good work!

  • Rose by Rose, West Frankfort
  • 14 years ago

This poem means so much to me. It says the words that I won't even dare speak of. There's a girl, who knows I like her. She likes me, too. I'm waiting on the day she comes to her senses, and realizes I'm the one for her. At first, I didn't think I was good enough. I've been there for her, relationship after relationship. I've helped her through all of her break ups. I've helped convince her that she can find better. My shoulder is that of which she cries on. "You will find better," is what I always say. I'm waiting for the day when she realizes, I'm talking about myself. Her eyes are what got me. I'm the type of person who likes darker colored eyes over lighter colored eyes. But, when I saw her eyes, it was the most amazing thing ever. They are the most gorgeous shade of blue. Every time I see her, they seem to be getting even bluer. I've been in not many, but just enough relationships, to know that she's the one. I hope she realizes that.

  • New York by New York
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem is soooooo beautiful you made realize that am not ready to get married to him yet because I DON'T LOVE HIM... I really appreciate your help and I think you really love this person..

  • Emmy by Emmy, Kampala
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem, I sent it to my best friend and he has never stopped talking about how much he loved it too

  • Chausiku Jumbe by Chausiku Jumbe
  • 14 years ago

I really like this poem because I used this poem as a gift to the one I love most, he was so happy, and because of this he increased his love for me and I can feel it. Thanks so much and I always admire your poem

  • Robin Jackson by Robin Jackson, Rockingham NC
  • 14 years ago

I felt this way, but I am beginning to think I have lost this one, great poem, because this would have been everything I would love to say to him if he could go back to acting the way he did while we were living together and first married. It is like he was just like the emotions of this poems towards me back then and now I am confused!

  • McCall by McCall
  • 15 years ago

This poem, oh my goodness, it's everything I feel. I just never knew how to put my feelings into words like you did in this poem. This poem is beautiful.

  • Lisa by Lisa
  • 15 years ago

I love the poem....it says everything that I want to say to the man I love. Thanks for posting it.

  • Cleo by Cleo
  • 15 years ago

I'm very thankful to have read your poem. Because of your poem.....I have now in my life greatest love of my life....right now we're just waiting for the day to settle down....

He's been a great fiancee to me and he loves me very much as I am to him.....

Thank you Florence.....

  • sheri by sheri
  • 16 years ago

this poem really touched my heart I've found my true love and we have been together five years, We are due too get married in September. I never thought I would find that special someone until I found him. He put up with all my negative and then some and I thank God for him. this poem really expresses how I feel, also keep up the good work and may God bless you and keep you. I really never knew how too express myself to him but with your help and this poem I know what I really need to do to keep him.

  • rebecca by rebecca
  • 16 years ago

I love it it was just the longest poem I have ever read but you sure do love this person

  • Shado by Shado
  • 16 years ago

This poem just spoke to me and of what I'm going through, in terms of finding my love.

I have found him but I've always been cautious in my relationships. He has been loving and respectful and accommodative of my wishes at all times. But most of all he's been patient.

Thanks Florence, because of you, today I'll be engaged to marry the most wonderful man I know. Today I will look in his eyes and say "I Love You".

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