Death Moving On Poem

Dealing With The Loss Of A Loved One

This poem is for the ones who lost someone important to them. This is how I felt when I lost my great-grandmother a while back. It wasn't raining the day she died, but to me, everything was falling apart like raindrops. I was angry at everyone and everything, feeling like lightning and thunder. Yet, I felt like that lightning and thunder was needed to show them how much they meant to me. So every time I watch the rain, it reminds me of her, and it calms me.

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It's been a year since you were taken from our family tree. The Lord came to take you home to heaven in the spirit in the sky. That was you're call to fly away, to be set free from pain,...

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Watch The Rain

Mikki Jenks ©

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

If you are hurting,
In pain,
Empty in any way,
Watch the rain.

It might seem silly,
Or even a little weird.
It really helps,
So watch the rain.

It shows
That God is crying with you,
That you are not alone,
So watch the rain.

The one you lost
Is up there,
Crying too,
So watch the rain.

They know you miss them,
And they miss you too.
They know their absence
Is hurting you,
So watch the rain.

It's a way to say
Their last goodbyes,
The words they never got to say,
So watch the rain.

Each lightning strike,
Each blast of thunder,
Is them
Telling you to
Watch the rain.

Saying with every drop
That they are happy and safe,
That you should live freely,
So watch the rain.

They will always remember,
As you remember too,
Your time together,
So always watch the rain.


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  • Deborah J Gonzales by Deborah J Gonzales, E.gSanAntonioTexas
  • 5 years ago

It's been a year since you were taken from our family tree. The Lord came to take you home to heaven in the spirit in the sky. That was you're call to fly away, to be set free from pain, sorrow, stress, and suffering. No more tears or fears. All your sorrow from the past will be forgotten. Rest in peace, sweet baby girl. Live for eternity. Lori Denise is free to fly to the highest sky.

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