Death Moving On Poem

Living Life After The Death Of A Loved One

This poem is about losing someone close and if they could give you the courage to go on in life. There is still much life to live, and they will always be close to you if you look for them.

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I Am Close

Kevin T. Pearson © more by Kevin T. Pearson

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

In your thoughts
we will touch.
In your dreams
we will meet.
Now our hearts
beat as one.
I am your shadow.
I'll always be close.

Hear my voice
in the wind.
See our dance
in a song.
Feel my warmth
in the sun.
Remember, my love,
I'll always be close.

Do not weep
for my loss.
Time will pass...
Pain will fade...
You will laugh,
and I'll smile.
Live your life, my love.
I'll always be close.

Interview with Top Poet Kevin T. Pearson

  • What inspired you to write this poem?
    I was inspired to write this poem after losing my wife, who passed away at an early age to breast cancer; our children were still young and, of course, had a hard time dealing with the loss of their mother. I explained to them that she was always going to be with them and all they had to do was open their hearts and minds and they would feel their mother's love. This poem got all of us through the hard times, knowing she was still a part of our life and that she would always be there, especially when we needed her the most.
  • What words of advice would you share with someone who is grieving?
    When we lose a loved one, that person is always with us. It may be in the form of memories, a saying we picked up from them, the way we do something like they did, and some things we don’t even notice. Knowing that the loved one had such an affect on us and they will always be a part of our everyday lives keeps that person with and in us.

    The hurt never goes away. It just gets easier to handle; taking the time to grieve is an integral part of the process of healing. Reach out to others for help or join a grief support group even if you think you don’t need it.
  • How has writing poetry helped you during tough times?
    I find it hard to talk to family and friends about how I’m feeling during the tough times in my life. Writing down my feelings and thoughts in poetry helps me understand and puts into perspective what I am going through.
  • What is your favorite experience that has resulted from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    My favorite experience from being published on Family Friends Poems website, first and foremost, is having my poems read, rated, shared by other poets, and when someone contacts me to tell me how one of my poems touched them.

    Secondly, my next favorite experience is when a person or organization contacts me to ask permission to use my poem(s) as an educational tool to teach English poetry in other countries—many of whom have sent me copies of the books.

    My third favorite experience is searching the internet for the name of my poems and finding them scattered worldwide in YouTube videos, podcasts, websites, social media, etc. Of course, all this never would have been possible without the existence of Family Friend Poems.

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