Hurting Poem by Teens

Feeling of having to hide who you are from other people because they won't understand the truth.

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I can relate. I used to have this friend. I am not very outgoing, to say the least, and so I never really made any friends other that her, and she knew this. Last year we were placed in...

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Unheard Whispers


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2017 with permission of the Author.

I try and try, but no one can see

That I'm hurt, that I'm broken,
That I'm not even me.

They think I'm fine
Because I tell them those lies.

I tell myself I'm okay,
But inside I want to cry.
No one understands,
So I will just keep quiet.

My words mean nothing.
They don't buy it.
I whisper, trying to be noticed,
But when I get their attention
My fake smile returns
And I am once again that bubbly girl
Everyone yearns to know.

I'm afraid that my feelings will scare them away,
Make them wake from their fake world of perfection.
My dreams have been shattered
By reality long ago.
Why mess up their perfect lie?


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  • Findlay by Findlay
  • 7 years ago

I can relate. I used to have this friend. I am not very outgoing, to say the least, and so I never really made any friends other that her, and she knew this. Last year we were placed in different classes and never talked anymore. I can tell that it hurt me a lot more than it hurt her. It was quite hard for me to get close to others while she acquired new "best friends" within a week of my absence. This tore me up. Please understand that you are never alone.

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