Breaking Up Poem

It seems like boys never truly love someone forever. For girls, however, we find it hard to forget the ones we have loved. It has been two months since Chris and I have broken up, and yet I still love him more than ever.

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I felt so much for this one guy. I thought he was the one, but instead, he left me with a broken heart. After three weeks, I asked him why did he say in the beginning that I meant everything...

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Undying Love


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2017 with permission of the Author.

I told you I loved you.
You didn't hesitate to say it back.
You held me in your arms
When I needed comfort.
From day one you said,
"I'll always be here for you."
Now that I look back,
I realize what a fool
I was to trust you.
I'm now sitting here,
Tears forming in my eyes,
Because I truly DO love you.
So much more than she does.


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  • Sudarshan M. Karhale by Sudarshan M. Karhale
  • 6 years ago

I disagree with your point of view towards boys to some extent. I have the same feelings for my girl though we have no more interactions through texts or calling. We had almost planned out a picturesque life within 2 years of our lovely journey. She prays that I get another person in my life, but I won't let anyone be at that place in my heart except her.

  • Prettygirl Amanda by Prettygirl Amanda, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • 7 years ago

I felt so much for this one guy. I thought he was the one, but instead, he left me with a broken heart. After three weeks, I asked him why did he say in the beginning that I meant everything to him? And he said I did and do. I'm so confused, but deep down I still love him. He still means everything to me, even when he's not mine anymore. I really wish he could have told me from the start that he did not know what to do or say, instead of breaking a poor girl's heart.

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