Twin Poem

The Difficulty Being A Twin

Everybody loves to see twins, but it's not the so easy to be one.

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My twin and I are identical but I don't see why everyone can't tell the difference. My friends and family usually get it right but to them we are "the twins" not Megan and Devin. We are...

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Twins, Not So Fun


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Twins are special
but not so fun.
Sometimes I just want to run.
they call me her,
and they call her me.
I'm used to it now,
so I answer to her and to me.
We are like one
put together on teams.
That makes me want to scream.
I look at her and think
she looks nothing like me.
Why can't these people see?
My parents and friends get it right most of the time,
but sometimes they screw up and
now I don't mind.
I see her as her and me as me,
and I think we're not so different,
so I'll let it be.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ellen by Ellen, England
  • 9 years ago

My twin and I are non-identical, but we look really alike. This poem seems to fit us, because at first glance people think that we are identical, but they just aren't looking properly, annoyingly. People in my class still call me by my sister's name, and her by mine. We're used to it now though.

  • Megan G by Megan G
  • 9 years ago

My twin and I are identical but I don't see why everyone can't tell the difference. My friends and family usually get it right but to them we are "the twins" not Megan and Devin. We are grouped as one and people think we do everything together and are best friends but I wouldn't even be friends with her if we weren't sisters.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, VA
  • 14 years ago

imagine being a triplet, like me, haha. I'm a girl, with two brothers. We hate each other but sometimes we don't mind each other much (rarely) sometimes its cool to be triplets sometimes its annoying.

  • David Brown by David Brown
  • 15 years ago

My take on Twins:

A lifetime as a twin endless competition and strife?
Or friendship and company? A soul-mate for life?

In childhood, always fighting? Trying to be the king?
Or always inseparable, sharing everything?

At school, always compared. Who is sporty? Who is a swot?
Do we rise to the challenge or would we rather not?

And then into adulthood. Who's got the better life?
The bigger job, the grander home, the newer car, the prettier wife?

Blessing or curse to be born a twin? It's really hard to say.
But the endless, endless rivalry never seems to go away.

Yes, there can be companionship, and twins can sometimes be friends.
But the call to be independent is the call that wins in the end.

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