Sister Poem

Poem About The Joy Of Sisterhood

The joy of sisterhood comes alive in this poem.

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God put us together by way of Katrina. We met at a local big chain store one night very late. It's been ten years and we've had our ups and our downs, but we wouldn't take anything for our...

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Sisters And Best Friends


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

God sent us to be sisters
So we can be best of friends,
To be there for one another
Even when there is pain.
I thank the Lord for sending my sisters to me,
For whom I truly love and care.
We shared so many things together,
Like laughter and some scares.
It's funny how we sometimes argue.
I guess it's normal in this world,
But having you as my sister
Means more to me, more than you'll ever know.
I wouldn't trade you for anything.
I will never let go.
As our friendship continues to grow,
So will my love for you.
Just always remember you can talk to me.
I'll be the best friend you ever knew.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Archie Stephenson by Archie Stephenson, Texas/Dallas County
  • 9 years ago

God put us together by way of Katrina. We met at a local big chain store one night very late. It's been ten years and we've had our ups and our downs, but we wouldn't take anything for our journey together. We know God had a plan for us and we needed each other as well as our families needed to be connected. I love my lil sister and our relationship.
I thank God for uniting our new family. If it had not been for Him on our side where would we be...
To God be the Glory!!!

  • Lisa Lancaster by Lisa Lancaster
  • 11 years ago

I love this poems because I got two sisters and I love both all my heart. We fight some time but we forgive each other.

  • Mary Coco by Mary Coco
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my sister we had a very special bond different from any relationship I have ever had in my life
I wouldn't trade anything for the special times that we had together. She was my best friend and confidant
Her life has enriched me beyond words
I have 3 other sister and have a different bond with each if them
The bond of a sister is deep unless you have a sister I don't think you can understand
I read these poem collections about sisters on her dying bed they really touched my heart and said exactly how I felt
Thank you all you people who sent in these poems
They are truly heartfelt

  • Priyadharshini by Priyadharshini
  • 12 years ago

I have only one sister, she is 2 years older than me. Now I'm always alone because I spending my days in S. Africa for my training. This poem made me cry, I miss her a lot. My sister is a soulful singer & dancer. She made love to everyone who liked and dislike her, I'm spent force without her & I'm nothing without her love & care.
I love you forever....akka(sister)

  • Anna Pike Morano by Anna Pike Morano
  • 12 years ago

I have 2 sisters, who I love very much. I have a sister I have not seen in 33 years. We are now staying in touch, we also are miles apart. She lives in Kansas and I live in Georgia. I did not know I had another sister until I was 12 years old. She was only in my life a short time before she was gone again. Our daddy was a man of many secrets, but thank god through all the pain I have my sister again, and now I'm 45 not 12, so as you can even try to guess there is a lot to this story. BUT I LOVE MY SISTERS, ALWAYS AND FOREVER...

  • Vernell Grooms by Vernell Grooms, Atlanta
  • 12 years ago

My sister and I have always been very close...we are both in our 50's and have gone through some very tough times, but we have always been there for each other... just recently my sister got angry with me over a misunderstanding and will just barely speak to me, won't call, etc... because I love her so much, I will not give up or let this get in the way of our relationship, I will continue to call, write, or whatever I have to do to get us back to the way we were.. I am confident that because she loves me too, that she will "come around" and everything will get back to normal.. this is what you do when you truly love your sister.. NEVER GIVE UP...

  • Parkland by Parkland
  • 12 years ago

MY best friend Shirla and I became so close this year. We are not related but she is more than a sister could be. When she said I was like a sister, I broke down in tears. That the world to me. Sisters don't need to be from the same mother, just from the same heart. Thanks for these poems. I hope that all sisters get over fights and can stay strong like I hope to with my best friend.

  • Imo by Imo
  • 13 years ago

Actually I have a real big sister in my family but we were never close with one another... she hated me and never loved me...she always got mad when I touched her skin...she always talked to me with such of high tones...she never hugged me and cared of me... I felt so sad and always get jealous when I saw my friends can be so closed with their big sisters.... Until one day, God finds me with a woman... Day after day we both get closer and closer... I start to call her "jiejie" and she calls me with "IMO", "lil sis" or sometimes "meme"... She does care about me....We both always spend weekends together.. I feel so much happy when she cuddles and hugs me.... She is the best and great blessing I've ever received from God, I won't change her with anything.. When I am with her, my life is so alive...but when she far away or got her bad mood, my life is full strive... I love my new sister.... I really love her. I do wish this sisterhood will never fade away and stay forever...

  • Sarah by Sarah, Virginia
  • 13 years ago

This poem has, like my sister, great meaning to me. After years of abuse from our parents she is my friend, spiritual leader (my Dad was a minster) and Loving cheerleader. I am alive and well today because she is also my hero.

  • Lydia by Lydia, Chicago
  • 13 years ago

When I was 15, my vision went out. Although it was regained shortly afterwards, the episode continued throughout the day. I was advised by one of my older sisters to go see a doctor. I went later that evening and discovered that I had a brain tumor which was already 'full-grown'. It was attached to certain parts of the brain making surgery extremely risky. Although the tumor is still present after 8 years, I've undergone 3 craniologies, radiation, and side effects from it all. Basically, all this to say that I'm still here and I thank God for all those around me, but especially my sisters!!! Honestly, without them, I don't believe I would've had the strength or determination to finish both high school and college, find peace with those who 'left me behind', or find God!

  • Lovley by Lovley
  • 13 years ago

My Sister had cancer when she was little but now she is ok and she is turning 15 years old and I'm soo happy that I know her. If I didn't know her those 15 years would have not filled my heart. But I really love my sister soo much. I just wanna thank GOD for helping us.

  • Sherry Turner by Sherry Turner
  • 13 years ago

I have 4 sisters but recently May 14th my closest sister was killed on a motorcycle accident. We talked most every day and told each other we loved each other. I miss her so much it hurts so bad. It's unbearable. She was so great, my best friend in the world. I didn't have abed and slept with her my young life. We were planning our later life together, to live together forever. It was too painful to read at her funeral as I couldn't even see. Her 3 kids were unbelievable, so strong and courageous. I am going to be there for them all the way. Life will never be the same.

  • Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn
  • 14 years ago

This is such a good poem. I am happy to have a GREAT sister in my life and we do everything together. I love her with all my heart. This is such a touching poem. God has Blessed me with a sister like the one I have now.
I am Highly Blessed that God has given me 2 siblings.

  • Ladyisgrateful Chap by Ladyisgrateful Chap
  • 14 years ago

God has Blessed me with 9 sisters! I am number 5. I love each and every one of them, I am thankful for them, only God knows I wouldn't trade them for nothing in the world. I ask God to watch over each one of them and to Bless them in EVERY area of their Lives. Keep them from ALL hurt, harm & danger.
I am Highly Blessed that God has given me a total of 18 siblings. With that said, No ONE could ever come between the LOVE I have for my sisters & brothers.

  • Adria D by Adria D
  • 14 years ago

this poem I think is good because me and my sister do not see each other often but we love each other a lot even we don't get to see each other a lot and also I like this poem is that it makes me feel like I am right beside me and it makes me fell like tears are coming down my eyes and I still love her even I don't get to see her a lot and this poem makes me feel really good to me like thank you for sharing this poem on the web because this poem makes me really sad but happy because the happy part on my story means that I fell like this poem you put words in the poem that makes me feel that I am standing right by my sister and the sad part of my story is that I don't get to see her that much just the summer time I like the poem also because there is a lot of words that stand right out of the poem to me any why I like my sister and love my sister a lot because she stands out when I can see her in the summer time I love you sister if you see this ever in your life time

  • Rebecca by Rebecca, North Carolina
  • 14 years ago

I don't have an older sister anymore. Why anymore? She went missing. One year later, bones were found in the woods ten miles from our town. At her funeral, I dedicated this poem to her. And cried halfway through it. It describes us so well! I miss you and will love you forever! You will always have a place within me!

  • Heather James by Heather James
  • 15 years ago

I have 8 younger sisters and no brothers and this poem really nailed how i feel about my sisters. thanks for sharing

  • Cyndi S by Cyndi S
  • 15 years ago

I really like this poem I have 6 sisters and no brothers. I really love my sisters I'm the 2nd youngest it crazy but I love them we sometimes fight but then after we all love each other again I'm happy I have them as my sisters

  • Yasmin by Yasmin
  • 16 years ago

hi, I have 1 sis and she's getting married this summer and I love her a lot she mean the world to me and she knows all my secrets I hope we will stay like this when she gets married!

  • Lynell by Lynell
  • 16 years ago

that was a beautiful poem...well I'm one out of five sisters and I wouldn't trade them in this world...we had our share of fights and believe me it wasn't so easy.. but our parents played a big role in having us loving each other good or bad and now that we are all over 40 yrs old when we get together we actually laugh and cry, because it seemed so funny back then and it just keeps us closer just to hear of what we were like as a child and the crazy thing we would do to each other. Some of us can't even remember most of it now, but we laugh about it as if it were yesterday

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