Sister Poem

Love For Big Sister

My big sis is amazing in every way, and I love her so very much. She always inspires me, and I am so very proud and honoured to call her my sister. Love you heaps, Big Sis!

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My sister is the world’s best sis. She cares, loves me, and supports me during all good and bad times. I love her. Without her, my life is empty, with nothing left to enjoy. I may die, but...

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Big Sis, I Love You

© more by Ranja Kujala

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

My dear Big Sis, you are the greatest there is
And amazing in every way.
I greatly admire and look up to you
Each and every day.

You are always showing how much you care,
From your heart that is filled with love.
You are a beautiful angel,
Sent from the heavens above.

I am the luckiest sis in the world
To have grown up next to you.
We played and laughed and had fun together,
A great bond that has always stayed true.

Big Sis, you are always in my heart and thoughts,
And I am always sending you a hug and kiss.
You are my world, and I love you so much.
Always and forever...your Lil' Sis.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cinna by Cinna
  • 6 years ago

I have 4 sisters, all bigger than me, but I love them so much. This poem really shows how much you can love a sister or sisters. They have always been by my side, maybe not with me, but I know they care. I can't image how much I will cry when one dies. I don't like thinking about the fact one day they will be gone but not anytime soon, thankfully.

  • Sneha Sanjana by Sneha Sanjana
  • 8 years ago

My sister is the world’s best sis. She cares, loves me, and supports me during all good and bad times.

I love her. Without her, my life is empty, with nothing left to enjoy. I may die, but my love for her will never die. She made my monotonous life awesome. She taught me what love is and gave me the love that I apparently lost.

Imagining a day without her is equal to spending a day alone in jail. She is my sister, which I can tell proudly, loudly, and whole heartedly. She is my strength, my love, my soul. My sister is never in my mind but always pasted in my heart. Every heartbeat of mine cries for her and wants her.

I may fight with her, misunderstand her, won’t talk to her for a day, but her love towards me drags me to her, makes me console her, and makes me apologize. My sis is my mom, dad, friend, etc. I just know that I love her!

  • Ariana by Ariana, Texas
  • 11 years ago

This poem says exactly how I feel about my big sister, she's my only sib and I'm 8 years younger. She has 3 kiddos who I LOVE to death! My sister is incredibly strong and talented. I may not say it often or even show it but , I love you Monse. happy birthday :-)

  • St. Petersburg by St. Petersburg, Florida
  • 11 years ago

I was searching for a poem for my big sister that is loosing her battle with pancreatic cancer. The thought of loosing her makes my heart ache and tears flow down my face thinking about the void in my heart when she is gone. She will be my angel and I will always love her to the moon and back.

Thanks for this special poem.

  • Jackie El by Jackie El
  • 5 years ago

My Grandma died of cancer. If your sister does die, she will be in a better place and no longer suffering of cancer. I know I'm only 10, but I do know how it feels. It is so awful, but just know she will be happier.

  • Ronke by Ronke, Nigeria
  • 12 years ago

I soo loved this poem! I write poems myself but I don't think I could EVER write something that could convey how I feel about my big sister like this! I could so relate to it cause I call her big sis and she calls me lil sis and it's just the two of us and we go practically everywhere together! We attended all the same schools and we're presently in the same school nitwit's kind of like it's just us against the world.

  • Emma by Emma, Boulder Colorado
  • 12 years ago

Thank you so much for writing this poem!! It really touched me and made me smile so much. I am 14 years old and have three older sisters who I love so much and can't get enough of! This came at a perfect time for me because my sisters all just left the house, two are in college and one is in Africa. Again I can not that you enough for this and wish you well!!

  • Kumally Haniifa by Kumally Haniifa
  • 8 years ago

Hi, I'm 12. My sis is getting married Thursday, and she is going abroad. I really cannot stop myself from crying. I suddenly cry at any time. Ten Taya, I love you. And I will recite this poem to her. While writing this, I AM CRYING. I don't know if she will ever come home again or not...

  • Eman by Eman
  • 12 years ago

I have a big sis n this poem is just like my story....I love her she's my world....her care is like a mother cares for child...she lives in London and I miss her a lot my sis is my world <3

  • Laura by Laura, Sydney
  • 12 years ago

My big sister is actually someone I met on fb ages ago. But we are so close, we've been through a lot together, and she has always been there for me through it all, never ever left me. She is a true angel from above. I Loved this poem because it said exactly what I wanted to say to her, so thank you.

  • Avinash Pune by Avinash Pune
  • 12 years ago

Me and my sister was very very close unfortunately she is not with me in this world and as I read this poem a tear rolled down my cheek!! xx:):):::::):)

  • Rosie by Rosie
  • 13 years ago

DEAR, SIS I really love you your my world I never want to loose yo.u I know we may fight and curse at each other but before that I love you. You meant lot to me you're also the reason I smile everyday

  • Little Nona by Little Nona
  • 13 years ago

My sister always helps me in ma hard times and she is always their to share my happiness too. I have never required a friend because my sister is my best friend. The poem is really heart touching. Love you angel. You mean world to me.

  • Phoebe by Phoebe, England
  • 13 years ago

Me and my sister are very very close and as I read this poem a tear rolled down my cheek!! xx:):):::::):)

  • Lil' Sis by Lil' Sis
  • 13 years ago

A story so true to heart.
After finding my big sis after a decade I now I stand a chance of loosing her to Cancer. My heart aches and tears fall from my soul, all the tears cannot give me peace. My big sis is my world. A beautiful poem a tribute to all. Big sis. Thank you

  • Julie by Julie
  • 13 years ago

this poem is so beautiful I almost wanted to cry my lil sister wanted me to read this and it touched me so much.... I LoVe U liL sis!!!!!!!

  • Kaitlin by Kaitlin, SC
  • 14 years ago

It made me cry thinking of my sister I have never read a poem that explains me and my sis s much as this. great work!:)

  • Kimmy by Kimmy, Malaysia
  • 14 years ago

this is what I have been looking for..
thanks a lot for putting it in the internet...=)

  • Gravesend by Gravesend
  • 14 years ago

When I gave this poem to my sister she cried I did as well it is the best poem thank you for putting it on the internet xx

  • Mela by Mela
  • 14 years ago

that touches me ‹3
my sis is ........ gone D;
soo.. i cried. D;
but its lovely

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 14 years ago

this is a very good poem and this is exactly what I was looking for.
we aren't really sister we just call each other big sis, lil sis because we love each other so much. This poem suits us so much as is exactly how I feel about my big sister so thanks.

  • Shawn by Shawn
  • 14 years ago

It was amazing. I have an older sister and she is so caring that no words can explain it, but still this poem has done a good job, I think a lot more can be written

  • Debbie G. "grammy" by Debbie G. "grammy", Honolulu
  • 14 years ago

Wow, I love this poem it discribes my sister and I so very well! Thanks for sharing.

Lots of Aloha & Mahalo to you!

  • Sophia by Sophia
  • 14 years ago

Well this kind of how me and my big sis are but were not related we just call each other big sis and lil sis but it really sucks cause she s going to a different school;( tear tear

  • Shauna May by Shauna May, Blacktown NSW
  • 14 years ago

This poem is great I love it...I have a big sister and when I was searching a poem for her to tell her how much I loved her because she was trying to commit suicide I knew this poem would be just right for her...I wrote it nicely and gave it to her and she didn't do anything I was so happy and than you so much for helping me not loose my sister by writing a poem as nice as this

  • Martha Mckay by Martha Mckay, Georgia
  • 14 years ago

This poem is exactly how I feel about my sister. My sister has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and is on oxygen and any time I have a problem she is there. When my daughter died she was with me and my Husband to give us a shoulder to lean on. My sister is really my true friend and I love her dearly.

  • Todd by Todd, Minneapolis MN
  • 15 years ago

While I was searching for a poem for my sister who just found out that she has cancer this one told the whole story of how I feel about her. Thank you for the great words, and please pray for my sister and family. PEACE Todd

  • mikayla by mikayla
  • 15 years ago

I love this poem it really describes how I feel about my big sister...we have had rough times but I love her to death!! I am the youngest of 3 kids from my dad and the youngest of the 4 from my mom...but this poem touches my heart in so many ways!! Great job=)......I miss you sooo much sissy :(

  • Travis by Travis
  • 15 years ago

this poem touched my heart I gotta big sister and this reminds me much of her she is the best

  • latrecia burkes by latrecia burkes
  • 16 years ago

when I was reading this poem it made me think of my big sister because she is my best friend..

  • Jesica Lowe by Jesica Lowe
  • 16 years ago

I LOVE this poem it expresses so much and it's like you took the words right out of my mouth. And I love the lil' sis part because that is my nickname to my big sister. I am the youngest of 1 older sister and 3 older brothers. and I can really relate to the poem. Great Job though! =)

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