Fear Poem

My Biggest Fear

My poem is about my biggest fear: the day I wake up and realize the twinkle in my eye has been used up. That you only get so much strength and one day it will be gone.

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Twinkle, Twinkle Little Fear

Hanna Eardley © more by Hanna Eardley

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

Fear is the strangest thing,
as it comes from within our heads.
But that don't stop it tucking us in
when we're safe within our beds.

What is it that you fear the most?
Is it the dark or lightning strikes?
What is it that you fear the most?
Is it the water, the greatest of heights?

For me, my biggest fear would be
losing that thing that we call "light."
Not in the sense of being in dark,
but the kind that helps you fight.

That light you find within your eye,
the one that makes it twinkle...
That would be my biggest fear,
not to have that 'round to sprinkle.

I have used it on many a time
to pull myself back from the brink.
It scares me that one day I'll need it
but it won't be there, you think?

When I think of when I've used it,
I don't see where the victim has been.
I see the end, when I climbed back out.
I see the strength that I found within.

But the twinkle is where it came from.
One day, lookin' in the mirror to see,
passed the spots and the wrinkles,
to that twinkle staring back at me.

It is the twinkle that has lit my soul.
It's the twinkle that showed my way.
Every time I had laid down to die,
that twinkle gave me another day.

So, without it would I notice
the person who hides in crowds?
Without that light to guide me,
would I end up amongst the clouds?

I fear that one day my twinkle
will cease to appear to me.
I fear that one day my twinkle
will not be there to help me see.

I fear I will have used it up
and that you only get so much.
And one day, when I need it again,
it won't be there to use as such.

So, that would be my biggest fear,
to wake up one day to find
that I've used up all my twinkle,
and I'd stay trapped within my mind.



Hello. My name is Hanna. I am twenty seven years old and currently living in Shanghai as i am a ESL teacher. I have been writting poetry since i was around eleven years old. My grandpa is a poet, and i'm proud to say some of his talent has been passed down a generation - or two! I love my job as an ESL teacher, i love how a child can say...

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