Life Lesson Poem

Poem About Forgiving Yourself

I am a mother to two 40+ year old meth addicts. This is for the moms I met in NA who blamed themselves for choices their adult children make. After 30 years of trying, I know cannot help a meth addict. Not with love or money. You cannot fix a meth addict, no matter how many times you try. Moreover, you did not cause them to be a meth addict. Only they can "fix it." All you can do is place them into God's hands and let go with love, for your child and mostly for yourself.

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© more by Judy A. Carrier

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

There comes a time in all our lives
when truth will set us free,
so live each day as though you know
your last it may well be.
And when you make mistakes, my friend,
as we're all sure to do,
be not so quick to judge yourself
and lay all of that blame on you,
for none of us are perfect.
We know that from the start.
Just do your best from day to day,
and listen to your heart.


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  • Emma by Emma
  • 9 years ago

I just love this poem it is so true and yes it has touched me!

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