Life Lesson Poem

Poem About Greed And Money

Poem about the danger of being possessed by greed. I am always amazed at the attachment people have to their possessions, myself included. Go to any garage sale on a Saturday and you will see for yourself. If we are not careful, we can let our desire for possessions become an obsession and be completely consumed by greed. A wise man once said that any possession that you are not able to release possesses you.

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Wow, this poem reminds me of one of my uncles who was all about his accomplishments. He chased after money till he couldn't. Lying on his hospital bed breathing his last, he realized life...

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© more by Irwin Mercer

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2014 with permission of the Author.

When we were born with no possession.
The love received was our concession.
No worries, no fears, no troubles, no fuss.
In mother's arms we put our trust.

But as we grew, we looked and craved,
and all too soon became enslaved.
The more we saw, the more we wanted.
Our quest for more became undaunted.

Our thirst for more could not be quenched.
The more we grasped, the tighter we clenched.
We scampered and gathered and gathered to hoard.
Possessions became our master and lord.

And when we're old with our treasures all heaped,
a sad example of what greed has reaped.
Our fists still clenched in a grasping motion,
till at our death, when our hands are opened.


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  • Kolawole by Kolawole
  • 7 years ago

Wow, this poem reminds me of one of my uncles who was all about his accomplishments. He chased after money till he couldn't. Lying on his hospital bed breathing his last, he realized life isn't just about money, money, money. He told those around that sometimes life is about each passing moment: moments to enjoy with family and loved ones. Despite his possessions, he didn't die fulfilled, and most importantly, those things he held onto while he was alive were left behind when he breathed his last...

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