Poem about Life Struggles

Troubled Times Poem

A poem about getting through the hard times.

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This story has touched me, just because my family is a lot like that. My parents down me and don't help me walk the walk with God. I am the only one in my house saved. I go to church...

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Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

Troubled times are here, as we knew they would come
Not because of the situation, just because life in general is not always fun
But we can overcome them, together we must
Because the love that we have shared was surely built with trust
Times are daring in any family it seems
Rocking the boat to fulfill our dreams
We can build the obstacles but must remember to knock them down
For if we don't there will surely be trouble by leaps and bounds
I think along the way somehow we forgot to knock down
The obstacles that are tearing at our hearts and apparent trouble that abounds
Let's take the time to clear the obstacles and go back to loving each other
We're here to listen to your choices, let's stop hurting one another
Right or wrong it's always God's call
We must remember, it is us who will ultimately take the fall
So in my heart I do not think it is worth it just to be right
Life is too short not to say we love you and we won't give up without a fight


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Erika Kent by Erika Kent
  • 12 years ago

This story has touched me, just because my family is a lot like that. My parents down me and don't help me walk the walk with God. I am the only one in my house saved. I go to church everytime the doors are open. I have a "church mom" and she is ALWAYS there for me, she helps me through anything and I can talk to her about anything.

  • Dottie by Dottie
  • 15 years ago

Truer words spoken-so many families get mad at each other and not speak for years. God did not mean for it to be this way, but it is just like in the Bible, loved one fought against one another. God help us.

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