STOP Suicide Poem

I have a friend who lost a son to suicide. I, too, have lost loved ones, even a small grandson, but realized through my friend that his kind of loss was likely the most devastating kind. His son was a great young man who unknowingly had trials, which brought him to take his own life. I wrote this poem for my friend and for all who experience such a loss.

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My friend Caitlin passed from suicide about a month ago now. She texted me saying, "I love you, Tabby," and I thought something was up, so I called her. She told me I was her best friend. I...

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Troubled Heart

© more by Ron Tranmer

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2011 with permission of the Author.

The moment you took your life,
I felt mine ended too.
If I could only turn back time,
there's so much I would undo.

I didn't see the warning signs.
You held them deep inside.
Struggles you were going through
you did so well to hide.

I'm left with guilt and sorrow
and confusion as to why.
You didn't tell me of your pain
and felt you had to die.

Every soul is precious
in the eyes of God above.
He will heal your troubled heart
with His never-ending love.

I'll put my faith in Him,
as I pray my heart will mend
and keep you in my memory
'till I'm with you once again.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Breanne English by Breanne English
  • 2 years ago

My husband took his life October 20th. His last text to me was Happy birthday and happy Easter. My birthday is December 17th and his was December 15th. We married April 27, 2015. That was the last text message I would see from him ever again.

  • Tabitha Paton by Tabitha Paton
  • 2 years ago

My friend Caitlin passed from suicide about a month ago now. She texted me saying, "I love you, Tabby," and I thought something was up, so I called her. She told me I was her best friend. I wish I said it back instead of asking about the other girl who she called her best friend. Maybe she would've known how much she meant to me. She seemed happy to me, laughing, and talking about plans to go out on the weekend. Rest easy, Caitlin baby.

  • Alyena R. Robinson by Alyena R. Robinson
  • 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing such a touching poem. I am sorry for your loss. I could only imagine how that felt.

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