Rhyming Poem

To My Little Sister With Throat Cancer

I am the older brother to my little sister who has throat cancer.
We grew up in southern New Jersey. I moved away when I was 18 to California.
My sister Susan remained there. I found out 2 months ago that she had been diagnosed.
I write her every day, sending her many uplifting poems and writings of encouragement.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my poem with others.

Featured Shared Story

This is a lovely poem. Thank you for sharing this poem with all of us. I hope that your sister wins the battle over cancer. May GOD bless you and your sister.

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Happy Trails To Cancer Shirt


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

  It was purchased just for you,
  when you're happy or you're blue,
  you can wear it on your head,
  'round the house or in your bed,
  you can wear it in the dark,
  while you're strolling in the park.

  You can wear it going to Church,
  or by the tele watching Lurch,
  you could wear it to do the wash,
  or when cooking stew or squash.

  Frosty Freeze is like Carvel,
  always had this great old smell,
  frozen custard, ain't it grand,
  lots of trips to that old stand,
  Werner Brooks and A & W,
  didn't have Wawa or VW.

  Thought this shirt might have some power,
  to take old cancer to the shower,
  to make you laugh and push that bug,
  with a big old "Frap" and a giant mug.

Whatever it does, it's inspired from above,
and sent from your brother with a whole lot of


  • Stories 9
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  • Rating 4.16
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Thuli Khumalo by Thuli Khumalo
  • 2 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this poem. It really means a lot to us, especially me, because my late grandmother also died of a cancer. But we all made sure that she was always happy, and we tried our best to make her survive. RIP to my late grandmother. Wherever you are, I want you to know that we will always love you a lot.

  • SirensTears by SirensTears
  • 7 years ago

That was beautiful. I wish no one had to go through cancer, but hope, and faith, as well as love will always seek a brighter day!

  • Irene by Irene
  • 7 years ago

Sorry your sister had to go through this. Stay strong and don't give up. All the best.

  • Ramisha Rahman by Ramisha Rahman
  • 8 years ago

This is a lovely poem. Thank you for sharing this poem with all of us. I hope that your sister wins the battle over cancer. May GOD bless you and your sister.

  • Ghana by Ghana
  • 12 years ago

This is too much, please can I put it in my music?

  • Kitty.Kat_Lassx14 by Kitty.Kat_Lassx14
  • 9 years ago

Aw, that's adorable and I know how you feel. Five of my favorite uncles and aunts died from cancer. So,I got you.

  • Bill Frank by Bill Frank, California
  • 12 years ago

This story reflects on me as I know many people that have or have died of cancer
Truely amazing people who fight this kind of 'disease'

  • Donna by Donna, My Living Room
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for sharing this poem, this poem remind me of myself, I am fighting ovarian cancer, the poem remind of the positive look while I fight the winner battle. yes I have win that fight. I must give god all the thank for help me win. I wish your sister well, I hope she also win that fight too...thank you....

  • Moriah by Moriah
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing that poem. My "Grandma" just finished Chemotherapy for lung cancer. That poem reminds me of her positive out look while she fought her winning battle. Thank you. And I wish your sister well

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