Anger Poem

Broken Mother-Daughter Relationship Poem

The relationship with my mother has taken a hard fall and we no longer speak.

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Now that I'm grown, I regret treating her the way I did, because I have daughters of my own, and I see now that it wasn't that she didn't love me. I still do not agree with how she handled...

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Time Can't Heal

© more by Vanessa

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

Time can't heal pain that won't mend.
The suffering, the heart ache,
It feels like the end.
Grasping a hold of a moving change,
Trying to pick up pieces to put the puzzle back together,
For nothing can last forever.
Grudges are held...never letting go
Feelings are hurt...but they wouldn't listen,
But behind every fight there is a reason why.
The one you love didn't make it to your future
And why they didn't try.


more by Vanessa

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Barbara McIntyre by Barbara McIntyre
  • 7 years ago

My daughter has lied about me on Facebook, called me the "C" word in an email, and accused me of coming on to her boyfriends in a text. This child was loved and adored from day one. All of her hopes and dreams, even when they changed, were supported fully. I don't know this person...she's not the child I raised. I'm shattered and she doesn't care.

  • Courtney by Courtney
  • 5 years ago

Now that I'm grown, I regret treating her the way I did, because I have daughters of my own, and I see now that it wasn't that she didn't love me. I still do not agree with how she handled showing her love towards her children. There should be no favoritism shown, and you should not love one more than the other in my opinion, but overall, being that my mother went through what she went through as a child, I say she did superb. If you want the relationship with your daughter back, the best advice I can give you is don't focus on what she's done to you, but focus on what maybe you could've done to her to make her this way towards you. When you're alone, meditate on your relationship with her and if you honestly don't know what you've done, then ask God to send an angel to reveal them to you. Ask Him for His mercy. God will never deny us His mercy. It will get better. Tell yourself and believe it.

  • Courtney by Courtney
  • 5 years ago

Hello, Barbara. I'm sorry your daughter has treated you this way. I hope that since it has been a year that you wrote this, things have gotten better. As a younger teen and adult, I was very ugly toward my mother just like the way you described yours. When I was growing up, I was molested by my uncle more times than I can count. I always wondered as my mom was dropping me off with him why she couldn't see his odd behavior toward me or see me screaming inside for help. Over and over I was traumatized by this man. Someone I was supposed to trust. I felt like that back then my mother didn't care about me or love me as much as my other sibling, so I never confided in her, and I always pushed her away. As I got older, my anger toward her grew, to the point I would call her names. Terrible names. I don't have room for everything, just know mental illness is real, and there is a reason for her behavior.

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