Son Poem

Poem About My Special Needs Son

This is the way I see my son compared to how strangers see him. Sometimes they judge him with just one look when there's so much more to him. My beautiful and perfect ASD, ADHD, SPD son.

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A poem of profound love, insight, dedication and patience, Steph. Mothers frequently bring out the best in us. All the best to you and your son. Kind regards, Paul.

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Through My Eyes

Steph L. Quayle © more by Steph L. Quayle

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

Through my eyes
All I see
Is a perfect little boy
Staring back at me

To the world outside
He may seem broken
But our love, our bond
Remains unspoken

He has few words
But his actions speak loud
My heart swells
He makes me so proud

He drives some mad
Fills the house with screams
But I see who he is
And he's not what he seems

You may see trouble
But I see love
He is my world
And the stars above

Don't judge my son
By what you see
You'd see his soul
If you looked closely


more by Steph L. Quayle

  • Stories 3
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  • Rating 4.49
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Paul T. McMahon by Paul T. McMahon
  • 7 years ago

A poem of profound love, insight, dedication and patience, Steph. Mothers frequently bring out the best in us. All the best to you and your son. Kind regards, Paul.

  • Chow Siew Cheong by Chow Siew Cheong
  • 7 years ago

QUAYLE happens to be a brand of household appliances in Malaysia. At first, I thought it should be pronounced "Quail" (the bird and manna that provided sustenance to the Jews in the desert). Then, I was informed that it should be read as "Kuai Ler" (HAPPINESS in Chinese). Whatever may be the correct pronunciation, I wish the writer and her loved ones JOY, especially in times of adversity.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 7 years ago

Wow, beautiful! I love it. I can tell this poem came from your heart.

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