Son Poem

Poem About A Firstborn Son

There's nothing quite like the first.

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You were sent to me to save me (not just 1 little boy but also two little girls). Sent to me to set me free, free from the streets and free from the drugs that were starting to take over me....

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A Mother And Her Son


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

Often in unspoken words, connections are locked,
Creating foundations that can never be rocked.
Foundations of love, honesty, and truth!
Connect a friendship that started from youth!
Understanding and wisdom, in which we both share,
Bonding us stronger, with a strength beyond compare.
Talking and laughing, sharing our minds at heart!
Realizing it's a brand new start.
This start between us shall never part!
The love between us shall no barrier break!
For you, my firstborn are no mistake!

The memories we share, through loss and gain.
Are so much higher than the pain!



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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Maranda Smith by Maranda Smith
  • 6 years ago

You were sent to me to save me (not just 1 little boy but also two little girls). Sent to me to set me free, free from the streets and free from the drugs that were starting to take over me. All was beautiful until that one evening. I had to send all 3 to some family just so they weren’t taken from me and moved to 3 different places. But now they are in CPS custody. Still can’t get the strength and freedom to find hope in this dismay. To know I may lose all 3 forever is killing me slowly. I am numb and want this nightmare to fade away, but then I hurt my ex so much that he finally lost all love that he may have had.

  • Amy Salmon by Amy Salmon
  • 5 years ago

I was on drugs when my son was little. I did get clean when he turned 16, but he resents me because his childhood was drugs and cyffor two years. I love him so much and I'm clean 8 years. Trying to be a better grandparent to his kids. I love him so much. He is angry with me still.

  • Jacque29f by Jacque29f
  • 7 years ago

I love you, Son, and will always be there through any storm that comes.

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