Son Poem

Poem To Son Who Lost His Way

A mother writes a letter to her son, who has gone down a dangerous and destructive path. She lets him know that he can always come home.

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I was a single mother of one, my son who is now 29 years old (30 in September). This will be the first birthday that he and I will not be together because up until two years ago my son was a...

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Missing You


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

I miss my son
who used to be
who cared about himself
and his family

Never one to show his
feelings openly
He was always there
when I needed him to be

We have been through
so much over the years
Anger, joy, and so many

I know I didn't always
do the right thing
and was not always good
at mothering

I knew that I could never
go back
and fix all the wrongs, so I worked very hard
to set a new track

I tried to show you
the sunshine and hope
and how great life can be
when you take it on soberly

But when it came your
turn to choose
you chose the path
without any rules

I know it's dark
and it will
empty your soul

But always remember
you can still come


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Michelle Urenda by Michelle Urenda
  • 7 years ago

I was a single mother of one, my son who is now 29 years old (30 in September). This will be the first birthday that he and I will not be together because up until two years ago my son was a wonderful son. Oh sure, we had our ups and downs like the poem says, but he cared about himself and his family. He has two little boys, my grandsons, whom I cannot see because of where they currently are. Their other grandma will not allow me to see them. My son was a good father, loved his boys, took care of his boys, and had a good job, but two years ago he got introduced to HEROIN, and after that it was all downhill. He is now serving four years in prison. I have never been away from my son that long, and every day that goes by my heart aches for him. So this poem is me and my son from the beginning to the end.

  • Cp by Cp
  • 7 years ago

I miss my son. He was taken from me due to my mental health.

  • Natalie Davilla by Natalie Davilla
  • 8 years ago

I feel for all you mothers. Every one of your stories rips a piece from my heart. I read the poem and cry because I can't even see my sons, because I don’t have much money to even take care of them. I went to prison about three or four years ago for something my youngest son's dad did and my little brother did. They were breaking in cars, and because I was in the back seat I got charged with what they did.

  • Diana Townsend by Diana Townsend
  • 4 years ago

Hi, I can relate. My son is locked up for what his cousin and his cousin's friends did. They asked him to ride with them and that they were going to a studio, and they ended up in another town. The court locked him up, but the video shows he had no part of what took place, but they locked him up. I'm a single mother and never been away from my kids. He's my only son and the oldest and very smart. He was with the wrong people at the wrong time. All kids make mistakes, but he's trying to plead his case, but I can't afford a lawyer.

  • Shelley by Shelley
  • 8 years ago

I couldn't put into words the feelings I have of my son, once again, in jail during his birthday. So I searched for something online. I came across this beautifully written poem and burst into tears. It's an emotional few days being my birthday today and his tomorrow so it helps to have a good cry. His drug addiction "ice" has affected not only his life, but his 2 year old daughter's. I now have custody of his baby girl, and she's all I have to hold onto a little piece of him. My heart breaks! Thank you for putting into words something I couldn't.

  • 13alley by 13alley
  • 7 years ago

My heart goes out to you. My son just turned 17 a few days ago, and he's been hanging around the wrong crowd and running around with the wrong kind of friends (and doing ice). It breaks my heart. I don't know what to do. He doesn't come home anymore. He gets upset at me when I start to talk to him about it. I've been down that path, and I know what becomes of that path...nothing. What do I do?

  • Darlene by Darlene, Ontario ,Canada
  • 9 years ago

I was looking for some inspiration when I came on this page, I read about loosing a son, suicide of son, about sons on drugs and alcohol. But what grabbed me was sons that are in jail. I never thought about that. And then the letter about a woman and her son Patrick { my sons name }. My son Patrick has been in and out of Jail since the age of 14. After reading those letters of sons doing life and sons jail for extra long periods of time ....I noticed the age on those letters is the age my son is now . Please god I pray I didn't come to this sight for any other reason than coincidence . I love him so so much and I have prayed that this will be the last time I ever have to travel to see my son behind glass. PLEASE PATRICK , stop this now before its too late.
I have done everything imaginable to help save his life and don't have much left. But would do or give even that to save his life and spare all of us any more pain hurt and anger. I will never ever give up on you.

  • Franni by Franni
  • 9 years ago

A while back I looked at your site for an appropriate poem for my 34 year old son who is facing a lot of prison time, due to the destructive path he followed . These crimes were the result of a long battle with heroin addiction. I did find a beautiful poem to send him that told him how very much I love and miss him. Since then we have found out he will be sentenced to 30 to 60 years. Words can not explain this heartache. I am now 64 years old and have such fear of not being here when he does get out, although he tells me "mom" I won't ever make it out of prison. So I will be looking for more poems to send him. God Bless all mothers feeling the heartache of having a son in prison. He is my heart, my baby boy, and I will always be proud of my son. Thank You for this site, I pray for all the brokenhearted moms.

  • Cindy Bala by Cindy Bala
  • 8 years ago

I am a 41 year old mother of four, two who are living. I lost my only daughter at 3 months old, which was my second born. Last year I lost my youngest son who was only 12 years old in our house fire. Three months ago, my third born, who is only 19 years old, was arrested and charged with capital murder. He will probably be looking at life without parole. Now I only have my oldest son who is 22 years old, and my life feels so empty!

People tell me I am an inspiration, but they don't understand the pain in my heart. My heart feels dead already. I wish we didn't have to go through these things, but we must stand tall and strong to live and support our children no matter their age and no matter what choices they made, whether right or wrong. Prayers to you, my friend.

  • LUCY by LUCY, Ontario Canada
  • 9 years ago

Dear Franni,
I hear you and know the pain and despair you are feeling. My son was just sent on Sept. 11th to a federal prison for life at the age of 27. Although my brain knows I will never see him as a free man again my heart can not go there. He will never marry, be a father and so many other things in life I always dreamt of for him. No drugs involved but an obsessive relationship with a mentally unstable woman twice his age lead him into a life he couldn't find his way out of. Anyway none of that matters now, no going back. It's difficult to write letters and I too have been looking for poems that may lighten his spirits a bit. They are our little boys and we are the forgotten victims in all this. No one looks to our side of the court room and thinks "oh the pain they must be feeling too". I too pray for peace to come into your heart and those of other hurting moms too.

  • Indy by Indy
  • 10 years ago

My baby boy would used to hold onto my legs everywhere I go. He was always with me. One day, he told me "mummy I will marry you."
Where is my little boy now? Ex Took him and his sister away to Dubai and never to return almost 2 yrs. after. When I saw them I was so chocked (luckily I was sitting in my wheelchair )
I saw my children for only half an hour and then 2 hours and before they leave 15 minutes. It was hard to say goodbyes. Don't know if ever or when will I see them again ;;;;((

  • Mathew Evans by Mathew Evans, South Wales
  • 10 years ago

I miss my son, whom I lost custody of just 15 months ago. He was only 6 days old when he was taken away from me and his mother. I never got the chance to see my son grow up, or watch him take his first steps. Not even his first words. There is nothing that can compare the pain I feel inside knowing that you ain't there with me. I wish you all the best in the future and I hope you'll find me one day, I love you with all my heart, and I'm sorry that I have failed you as a friend but most of all as a dad. Take care my number one man, don't forget that your always in my heart. Sleep well tonight my number one son. Love you forever xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Darla by Darla
  • 7 years ago

I know how you feel. I lost six boys to CPS. Three babies were taken away from me, and I missed their first year.

  • Sheryl by Sheryl
  • 10 years ago

My precious son Bryan. Died 24 years ago, seems like yesterday, no today. I will never be capable of loving with all my heart this I hate.

  • Ogden Utah by Ogden Utah
  • 11 years ago

I am sitting here missing my son. He was murdered 9 years ago. I am writing another memoriam to run in our local newspaper. Because he was killed four days after Christmas with his birthday four days after that those few days are particularly hard. I am so thankful for my daughter and my two grandchildren. I ache for the grandchildren I will never have. My heart breaks for all of us.

  • Priscilla by Priscilla, Bakersfield Ca
  • 11 years ago

Reading this made me think about my boy. Being a single parent, I always had to work two jobs failed to pay close attention, I also had three other kids to care for Nathan was my middle boy. He chose the wrong path and got jumped in a gang. It has been 4 years since my precious boy has disappeared. This has to be one of the hardest things ever, not knowing makes my heart feel like it is broken in half. I pray for closure!

  • Guadalupe Diaz by Guadalupe Diaz
  • 11 years ago

When, I read some of these poems I remember my son as a cute 2 year old that was always after mommy and every single day said I love you so much mom. Now he talks back and curses at me and my little kids he is a drug addict and I do not know what to do. I have tried talking to him putting him in programs taking things he likes from him and all he does is laughs in my face.

  • Michelle by Michelle, NY
  • 11 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes. No my son isn't into drugs, my daughter was, but clean now.
You see, I divorced my ex about 8 yrs ago. My youngest son stopped talking to me 4 yrs ago. He just turned 18. I missed out on his graduation and a simple "Hi mom" for so long. Last night he sent me a message thru Facebook, telling me what a horrible person I am. Friends don't understand, they have never endured a son cutting off his mother. Last night I was told I'm a pathetic bitch and the last 4 yrs have been the best years of his life. My heart aches. Please someone give me the miracle of bringing him home. I divorced his dad because of abuse, after the divorce he was killed in Iraq. I wasn't allowed to sit next to him at the funeral. I custody of my grandson, people say I hold him too close. But I never want to experience losing a child. I want to hear my baby's voice, just a simple... Hey Mom

  • Stacey by Stacey, Victoria
  • 11 years ago

Hi. I just found out today that both of my sons will never be allowed to come home so this poem brought tears to my eyes

  • Susheela by Susheela
  • 12 years ago

The poem brings my son close to my heart. He is quite far away from me since he is employed in an IT company. Every moment that I cherished with him comes back to me in his absence. For every mother the separation of children is unbearable.

  • Julie-Ann by Julie-Ann, Belize
  • 12 years ago

My son was away on his own and lost his job. He has had difficulty joining the workforce again. He returned home just before the new year. I have missed a lot of hurts in his life and I just wish to hide him under my wings like a mother hen.

  • Connie by Connie, Santa Maria
  • 12 years ago

On Jan. 18th, it will be 1 year that I lost my son of 34 years to alcohol/drugs. He was found dead, under a bridge. I tried for years upon years of trying to let him know there was a better life for him. He hadn't been sober/clean for over 6 months since 1997. I worried myself sick, cried, screamed, felt totally helpless. I admit, I enabled him. I always managed to get him off the streets and into a clean & sober place. This last time, I didn't even know where he was, hadn't heard from him. I still, to this day, would have driven to Phoenix to get him and get him help. He was my only child. He was my life. Alcoholism is a disease. True, it was his choice to put the bottle to his lips but, the disease hits some people stronger than others.

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

Reading your poem made me sad. You are so lucky to still have your son no matter what. My one and only son Patrick chose the road of destruction and it took his life at the age of 27, 2 years ago and my life has changed forever. I miss my Patrick more than words can say just like you all I would say you're going to not wake up one day and that is what happened but what I would do to be saying that today I cannot explain. I miss him so much just keep praying that your son gets better because I will pray for each and every one of your son's. Remember it is an illness and just be there for them. God Bless each and everyone who reads this.

Your poem is a beautiful tribute to your love for your son. Thank you for sharing.

Blessings to you and yours and all that pertains to you,

  • Brenda Johnson by Brenda Johnson
  • 12 years ago

I miss my son that took his life from his family, he was so smart but I didn't know what went wrong. He was my life but I blame myself why didn't I see the pain he was in? He was always there for me as I was there for him, it has been a nightmare for me I cry every day and night I just want to tell him how much I miss and love him. Mom and dad are hurting and just wish we had some answers. I wake up and think you will be here soon my heart is broke and I will never get over you leaving me my heart aches for you Michael I love you with all my heart and soul.

  • Alicia by Alicia, Bellflower
  • 12 years ago

I miss my son, I try to see him as much as I can. He's in prison, it hurts so bad. I need him home, he has done enough time. My heart aches every single day. I LOVE YOU MICHAEL.

  • Franni by Franni
  • 9 years ago

I feel your pain. I too, have a 34 year old son who will be sentenced to 18 to 36 years. My heart is broken, so I truly know how you feel! God Bless you and your son!

  • Cassie by Cassie, Maryland
  • 14 years ago

This poem is speaking words from my heart to my son. I want him to know that no matter what, he can come home. I miss him so much and it hurts so bad inside. I will be so glad when he realizes that his family, especially his little brothers need him just as much as he needs us.

  • Val W by Val W
  • 14 years ago

My son has run away and doesn't want to come home. He says he's happy but he's not even looking after himself well. He is a beautiful boy in and out but has chosen to take the wrong path in life. I miss him so much and always remind him he can come home. I hope and pray for him each day to "get over this phase" and come back to his family <3

  • Roni by Roni
  • 16 years ago

When I read this poem it was like reading words right from my husband's mouth. We see our son going down this path an we are trying to get him on the right one for his sake.

  • Karen by Karen
  • 16 years ago

I'm a mother going through tough times with my son, so I completely related to this!

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