Long Distance Poem

Poem About The Effects Of Long Distance Love

I had to leave for university (in another country), and in doing so, I had to leave someone extremely special to me. This ripped my heart in two, but like everything that hurts me, I try to get the best of the situation...and so here's what I think about the distance...

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I had the blessed opportunity to be reunited with my high school sweetheart after 30 years. I have tried many times at romance and love. For one reason or another it didn't work out. Having...

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Thinking About The Distance

© more by Mina Milad

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2016 with permission of the Author.

As I think about the distance,
I start to crave your brilliance.
I dream to see you for an instant.
Without you I question my existence.

When I look at the sky,
I think about the time.
How fast will it fly?
How much will I cry?

Why are you so unique?
How are you so complete?
You're someone I cannot critique,
As you always bring me relief.

To you, I can write a gig
About how your heart's so big
And how my soul you rigged,
How our hearts just clicked.

Unlike my future profession,
Your love I do not question.
I forbid you to be another lesson.
You and I are destined to be caressing.

Sadness is the feeling I get 
When I think of leaving you again.
Know that you're not just another friend;
You're someone to whom my poems I send. 


more by Mina Milad

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Husna Swastika by Husna Swastika
  • 6 years ago

For those who are in LDR, this relationship is such a beautiful way to tell the world that loving someone in distance give us power to be stronger.

  • Glenn W Thomas by Glenn W Thomas
  • 7 years ago

I had the blessed opportunity to be reunited with my high school sweetheart after 30 years. I have tried many times at romance and love. For one reason or another it didn't work out. Having fallen in love all over again I understand why. It's amazing how love will find you. We are thousands of miles apart. One day soon we will join each other again and pick up on our love where we left off.

  • Eleanor by Eleanor
  • 7 years ago

My baby lives in England. I live in America. It's really hard, because we are underage, and our parents don't agree with us being together. We've been together for 5 months but have known each other for 7. During those 7 months, we had an argument and stopped talking. He got together with an ex, while I daydreamed for us to talk again. Two months later, we talked again, and since then, everything has been going okay. I hope soon we'll meet, but until then, all we can do is dream.

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