Long Distance Poem

I'm 15 years old, and this poem is about my love for my boyfriend who lives far away. I miss him so much and love him so much that words will never be able to describe. I hope you enjoy it.

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I love this poem. It speaks exactly to how I feel about my boyfriend. I miss him so much. It's crazy, though, because we've spent nearly every day together for the last 4 years. He wasn't...

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Far Away Lover


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

I lay in my bed and think about you.
I love you so much, I don't know what to do.
I feel your warmth at my side.
The pain in my heart moves to my eyes.
So far away, yet always so near.
You are the reason I am still here.

I await the times when we can talk
I await the times we can finally hold hands and walk.
To feel you for real... so close to me.
The happiest person in the world is what you would make me.

Your eyes shine like a million suns.
You shine more brightly than anyone.
Your smile so sweet can't help but make me smile.
It stops my world, even for a little while.
I await the time when my hand is in yours,
To hear you say those 3 little words.

There are still no words I can say to describe.
My heart, it aches; and my eyes, they cry,
But when we talk, my heart flies.
You always wipe away the tears I cry.

Even though you aren't here,
And I miss you so much, my dear,
I'll love you forever and ever.
I'll always love you, my far away lover.


  • Stories 74
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dauntless Scaris by Dauntless Scaris
  • 5 years ago

I am so far away from my lover and even though our parents are against our relationship, we still share a very strong bond and nothing can tear us apart. We do send text messages, and I think your poems are the best. I think they will help me express my love more.

  • HT by HT
  • 5 years ago

I'm Hannah and I'm going through a relationship where I can't see my boyfriend or text him because I'm grounded. But I really have faith in our relationship. We have been together for 1 month and it feels like forever. I really have a connection with him and miss him so much. I've been writing him notes and everything but I don't know what to do. It's really hard on me and him, but we just have to stay strong. I text him at school off my best friend's phone and it's just really hard to not see him and not being in his arms. I cry over him all the time and my parents say I'm just wasting my time crying (when I'm really not). I just can't wait until I'm 18 so I can move in with him. I'm 16 now, about to turn 17, and I'm just waiting until the day I do turn 18. My life is gonna be with the man I love. :) I can relate to a lot of these poems and paragraphs. It's hard being without the person you love, but everything will be fine, I promise.

  • Palvan Orazdurdiyev by Palvan Orazdurdiyev
  • 6 years ago

My love is also a secret long-distance love. I am in love with someone who does not even know that I exist in this world. We live in very different world. This girl is famous and lives in the USA, an I am from Turkmenistan. My love is an "impossible to be together" kind of love. I understand that. Even if this girl does not have a boyfriend, there are so many factors that makes it to so unreachable. It is not so awful as it might seem because I almost don't feel pain because of this love. I even feel myself lucky to get the chance to love an amazing person. I am happy because it makes me better person. I am happy just knowing that my far away love is happy and enjoying her life. I am happy because I have hope and belief that one day, maybe not in this life, we will be together!

  • Bethany Kelman by Bethany Kelman
  • 6 years ago

I have a crush on this boy. He and I met when we were 3 years old. He had just moved here and we met at a park. We have been friends for 10 years. But when we were in elementary school he moved to Chicago. Literally, the last day he came over to my house, we spent about 2 hours crying. On his last day of school just before he left he gave me a kiss in front of everyone. I remember it like it was yesterday. We have been 600 miles apart and haven't gotten to see each other for 3 years. I miss him so much!

  • Ectri Rinsula by Ectri Rinsula, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 6 years ago

This poem tells what I feel. I had a boyfriend and we had been in a long-distance relationship for 6 months, and we planned to get married in January 2019, but he broke up with me after his birthday on December 3, 2018. I waited for him every day and was counting down the days. I don't know why he'd leave me for another girl a month before our wedding. Maybe I'm not as perfect as that girl, but I'm sure no one can love him like me.

  • Nee Jay Nash by Nee Jay Nash
  • 7 years ago

I know you are not close and you seem even farther away. I don't really care about the time. So far I haven't heard from you. But what I do care about is making the best use of when I do. I love you, Babe.

The poem speaks my feelings for Gabe...
We live
We love
We learn
We die

  • Bhavani by Bhavani
  • 7 years ago

I'm 23 years old, and I first met my lover in a shop, but we didn't know each other. After 3 years I met him in my office and found out we work at the same place. I got his friendship on social media. We are now lovers, but suddenly he is maintaining distance from me and I don't know why. He will talk to me and then again maintain distance.

  • Gloriasamara Garcia by Gloriasamara Garcia
  • 7 years ago

I am dealing with a long distance relationship as I met him online as well. We email constantly and his words to me are astonishing and could see right through me. I read this Far Away Lover since I have run out of words. Thank you, this was the utmost of me as well as my feelings. God bless you.

  • Skyls Mitchrlle by Skyls Mitchrlle
  • 7 years ago

The fact that a 15 year old could write with such emotion was so touching. My son is 16, and his girlfriend's father is keeping them apart. It breaks my heart that there is nothing I can do for them. My son has a job, his own vehicle, and has never been in trouble. I'm a single parent. He's a really a great guy. I've met her. She's so cute and has a good attitude. My son's only flaw is he's a male and her parents are over protective. Loved the poem.

  • Jenny by Jenny
  • 8 years ago

Hey love
I never thought that something could reflect my feelings for you the way it has been in this poem. Bongo, you really taught me what true love is, and even if we are not together physically, our souls are always connected. I still remember the time this long distance relation started, and the way you used to talk and show your feelings were the best time. This time we are not able to talk the same way as it started, but baby I know you are doing all this hard work for making our souls one. I just love you for being what you are. I am blessed to have you in my life, my first ever boyfriend who is not with me physically but mentally, always around me. Thanks for giving me faith and trust that it's just a little time we need to bear this and then for the lifetime. God bless us and bestow his blessings on us and help us in being together soon. Amen.

  • Sabrina by Sabrina
  • 8 years ago

This is a very lovely poem, and it helped me a lot to understand my feelings for this guy I have been friends with for about three months now. But he lives in Arizona and I'm in Georgia. I never had a long distance relationship before, but I'm willing to try it. I'll let you all know what happens. Thanks again.

  • Jane Doe by Jane Doe
  • 8 years ago

I met my far away lover 6 months ago at a pub for 5 minutes. He was gorgeous but so far away. Four hours to be exact. Ironically, I received his number as a bet I wouldn't... from my mother.

We have been speaking for the past months, and we finally decided to become something after meeting again for the first time in London. I love him, and being away hurts me so much, and when we read the poem together I cried. We can't be in a proper relationship because we feel like us being that close would be what kept us apart by being so sad. This touched me, and I feel like it has so many others.

  • Mbalenhle by Mbalenhle
  • 8 years ago

I am madly in love with you and so deeply committed to you, darling. Yes, I know we are far from each other, but I know I will always meet you in my dreams every night, and even if I can close my eyes, I will surely see you because you are always on my mind. I just wish you could see my love for you through my eyes one day. Yes, you are not here with me, but our souls are forever connected to each other. You made me a woman again after so many sorrows I had faced in life, but you never gave up on me. You have always stood by my side every moment. I don’t just love you, but I am completely in love with you, sweetheart.

  • Lucero by Lucero
  • 8 years ago

This poem is how I feel for my first long distance relationship boyfriend Mitchell. We may be far, but soon will see each other for the first time, and I can't wait. It touched my heart that I just wanted to cry, but I loved it, I really did.

  • Abigail Green by Abigail Green
  • 8 years ago

I love this poem. It speaks exactly to how I feel about my boyfriend. I miss him so much. It's crazy, though, because we've spent nearly every day together for the last 4 years. He wasn't always my boyfriend, though; we've been dating officially for a little under a year, but I miss our friendship. We were the best of friends since 2nd grade, and in high school we got even closer. We've gone to every social outing, dance, prom, and graduation dinner together. We've never done anything physically romantic other than kiss. I've told him I love him and he has told me, and it's just amazing. He's on a gap year in the Netherlands and I'm in Alabama. Not only am I away from home, but I'm away from him, and he is my stability in life. He motivates me, loves me, cares for me. It's been hard, but we talk every weekend.

  • Caitlyn Perry by Caitlyn Perry
  • 8 years ago

This poem really reminds me of my own relationship. My boyfriend lives 45 minutes away from me, and I really miss him. We've only seen each other in person once (which was when we met) and started dating a little while after that day. He is my first boyfriend and we've only been dating for little over two months, but I think he's the one. ;)

  • Luismi by Luismi
  • 8 years ago

This is a true love story, like back in the days. Nothing like it is now with these new kids. I remember a first love like this…met mine, and it was love at first sight. We dated and it was phone calls and letters...postage letters. My girl was only 45 minutes away, but not driving seemed like I could never be close to her. Love like this and this love will last you your whole life...even if you don't end up with him.

  • Sarah M. by Sarah M.
  • 8 years ago

This poem perfectly describes my feelings for my boyfriend. I am in a secret long distance relationship. Love is difficult, but it is real. At 15 years of age, you are a wonderful poet, my dear. Thank you for putting the feelings of many like us in such beautiful words. All the love!

  • Trina by Trina
  • 8 years ago

This poem is so beautiful. I'm in England and my boyfriend is in Mauritius. It's very hard for me. Even yesterday we were crying on phone because this is too hard for us, but he asked me to marry him.

  • Emil 88 by Emil 88
  • 8 years ago

I left my city and moved to another and I left someone behind, my love. This poem is helping me a lot not to forget her.

  • Taylor by Taylor
  • 9 years ago

I relate so much to this poem, as my boyfriend lives in Argentina and I live in the U.S.. I never thought I would be able to love someone that I've never met in real life, but I can't imagine myself without him. There is nothing I want more than to be in his arms, and it sucks that since we're both in school and plane tickets are really expensive, there's no way we can meet at the moment. Thank you for writing this poem, it has helped me so much to hold on.

  • Gabriella by Gabriella
  • 9 years ago

Far Away Lover.............. I miss my boyfriend so much it hurts.He is far away from me.I will not let anyone take him away from me.I am still young but have feelings and strong feelings

  • Talley by Talley, North Carolina
  • 9 years ago

I completely relate to this. My girlfriend lives in England and I'm living in North Carolina. Every day without her is painful and I just want to be able to hold her and be able to tell her that I love her. She's 18 and I'm 16. She wants to come over here, but she said she wants to wait until I'm 18 before she comes over. I miss her every day. She shared a poem with me to express how she felt about me in the beginning and I saw this and all I could do was cry because I understood completely. A wonderful poem and a wonderful message that so many can relate to.

  • Culiza by Culiza
  • 10 years ago

I never believed in long distance relationships but I am in one. It's hard because sometimes you just want to let it go but a empty feeling kicks in and then I miss him even more. He lives so far away and when I went to see him I was the happiest woman in the world. I am just lost being away from him.

  • Jeff by Jeff, Rwanda
  • 10 years ago

A very inspiring Poem indeed. I love a girl who is studying in India, but I can't wait to meet her some day. This long distance is very difficult to handle.

  • Gaby by Gaby
  • 10 years ago

Well I live in Virginia and he lives in New York its 4 hours away and 241 miles away. Were both 16 and were waiting until we turn 18 to move with each other hopefully. But that's 2 years! I know most people have it way worse but its the same painful feeling. I just hope he waits cause we both want each other. It's good that there are sites like these that I can share my story because most people would just laugh and call me stupid but there's some people who don't get it and there's some people who do. At the end of the day I didn't plan this for me it just happened. Yea I wish I could find a person in Virginia but I seriously don't want anyone else. I know that when we finally get to be together it will be stronger than any close relationships because we actually worked for it to happen. It'll be the best thing ever. Just wait on it :)

  • Dory by Dory, California
  • 10 years ago

I loved this poem! It made me teary eyed!
This is really random, but can I quote this poem? I wanted to make a scrapbook for my boyfriend and give it to him when he moves to New York. When he leaves, I won't see him for a while, so I wanted to make a really pretty scrapbook! I'll give you credit and everything!

  • Nyiko by Nyiko, USB
  • 10 years ago

This is heart touching poem. I'm 26 years old and my lover is far away. We've been together for 7 years. At first it was difficult for me to accept the situation, but there was no choice and I've accepted the situation. The only thing we do is to visit each other during holidays or sometimes when I'm on leave. But, all in all we enjoy distance and we get used to it. Wish you all the best, guys enjoy your distance tooooo.

  • Person by Person, Wisconsin
  • 11 years ago

I'm 15 years old and me and my girlfriend met on the Internet last August and we just started talking. I can relate to this because she lives in New Jersey and we are crazy about each other. We FaceTime a lot and we are constantly talking about our future and we want to get married one day. Sometimes it's really hard and we've gotten back together 2 times because of our fights. We really want to be with each other. I'm glad I'm not the only one that is going through this and I hope that all of you people will someday meet your lovers.

  • Benjamin by Benjamin, USA
  • 11 years ago

Hmm so this is where my girlfriend got this poem :). She's In Italy and I'm in the US.

  • Suman by Suman, Bangladesh
  • 11 years ago

Alas! this is heart touching poem. I'm 23 years old and my lover is far away. She never comes back. But I'm feeling her love every where, every place and every moment. I don't forget her love. This poem really made me cry! A lot of thanks for your heart touching poem. Wish you best luck.

  • Catarina by Catarina, Portugal
  • 11 years ago

Yay, 1st comment in 2014 ahah.
So yeah, your poem. Hello, I'm a 14 year-old girl and I am in a LDR. Me and him have about 8 years of difference, so yes, he's 22. Me and him met in Omegle and we started to talk through facebook the same night we met. We met in February 2013 and we're "together" since December 2013. Kind of. I have never met him in my life but we talk through Skype. It's actually really hard to keep the relationship since we have never met and for us to meet each other is really really hard. He's from Lisbon and I'm from Oporto. The thing is, until now, we have managed to keep this alive. And it's been a year now. All that you say in your poem is everything I want to tell him. It's absolutely perfect. Thank you so much for spending some of your precious time to write this. It's amazing.
I hope your LDR is still standing :) I wish you the best.

Love xx

  • Jonny by Jonny
  • 11 years ago

This poem is absolutely perfect, I absolutely relate to this, me and my partner live 398 miles apart, me in England and him in Scotland, this poem relates to us so much, thank you to whoever wrote it x

  • Benjamin Aboagye by Benjamin Aboagye
  • 11 years ago

I have been with my girlfriend for the past six years and I really love her like we just met yesterday....in our relationship we have only been together for two years and the rest staying far away from each other...but the fact is that I know that though we are far away, the love still remain the same because when ever I close my eyes I see her around me...her voice make me feel like she is just by my side. though at times I feel lonely I still know she is just with me and the distance between us is just a little storm between us which will come to an end soon.

  • Iowa USA by Iowa USA
  • 11 years ago

This poem is exactly how I am feeling and I am 23 my boyfriend is in Virginia USA that is 1200 miles from where I am. I really do love him a lot and would do anything for us to be together and I know he would do the same. It hurts not having him next to me at night or waking up to him next to me knowing we have so much love for each other and being so far apart makes it hard for us but we aren't getting discouraged. We are thinking positive and its nice knowing there are others out there going through the same thing to know that we aren't the only ones.

  • Hollie by Hollie, England
  • 11 years ago

This story really relates to me and my boyfriend. I live in England and he lives in America and his part of America there's an 8 hour time difference between my time and his. We facetime regularly but are dying to see each other face to face xxx I love him so much it's unreal.

  • Amira by Amira, Malaysia
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem...its true...I am in the same situation too...but he's busy lately. I don't know what to do...I miss him so much...I miss him...when I read this poem...I cried...because its true...he's far away...

  • Crystal Fig by Crystal Fig
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem, it does relate to me so much it's crazy, my girlfriend is so far away but feel so close when we talk with each other just wish life was fair but that is how it goes.

  • Ellen by Ellen, Belgium
  • 11 years ago

I have exactly the same feeling. I met this lovely guy on the internet and he immediately became my best friend. We Skyped a lot and recently he overdosed. His mom started talking to me on Skype. When he almost died, my heart broke. I was so happy when she told me he recovered a few hours later! He actually was gay, and I had to tell him mom. This was pretty awkward. Then when he woke up in the hospital, his mom gave my message to him and he responded 'I love you more than anything'. Then his mom asked about being gay, and he said 'No, mom, I'm bisexual, I'm falling in love with my best friend'. When she told me, I knew that was aimed at me, I just knew! His mom brought him his phone and he immediately messaged me, saying he loves me and wants to be with me, now we're dating and we find it very hard to be apart. I hope I'm able to go to England someday..

  • Tabi by Tabi, United States
  • 11 years ago

I'm 25 and my husband is in the military and hardly ever home. I love this poem. For being so young, you did such a fantastic job! Keep up the good work on your writing and I'm wishing you and your boyfriend the very best :D

  • Hong Kong by Hong Kong
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for such a beautiful, It has inspired me to write to my luv who's only away for 3 weeks yet I missed so much. I know how it feels. Best wishes on your union with your BF soon.

  • Michelle by Michelle, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Hi I'm a 15 year old girl who is in the same situation, I can't believe there so many of us in long distance relationships, I thought maybe I had back luck at first..but now I can't imagine my life without him, I love him so much and this poem just proved to me how much I miss him...I really love your poem (more please)

  • Shalaela by Shalaela, USA
  • 10 years ago

My girlfriend is actually from South Africa. I live in the states, and I thought for sure that this was just some curse that I happened to fall in love with a girl that was 9,000 miles away. It was ridiculous how much I rejected that I could be in love with her at all. But, after several months of persuasion on her part, she finally got me to be in a relationship with her. We talk on the phone all the time before I go to bed while she is getting ready for school. 8 hours of time difference is bizarre, but we make it work. We've been together happily for a year and a half now, and I have applied to college at UCT. I never thought I'd be so in love with a girl I never met, but she stole my heart. And this poem is exactly what happens to my emotions every day I spend with her. Crazy how many others are actually in the same situations.

  • Steph by Steph
  • 12 years ago

You don't have to be a teenager to relate to this poem I'm 23 and I'm experiencing this. Reading this poem got my eyes all watery. I hate not being able to sleep next to him at night and wake up to his kisses. It's heart breaking

  • Anon by Anon
  • 12 years ago

This poems just gave me shivers as to there's other people out there in the same situation as me!
Life's very hard without the one you love may all the LDR lovers out there be reunited soon x

  • Khongozul by Khongozul, Mongolia
  • 12 years ago

What a nice poem! your poem really made me cry! this is similar for me.
Unfortunately, he doesn't know that I loved him
I am 17, I live in Mongolia and last summer I had met the boy who came from UK in USA :) We had much unforgettable memories and I really love him.. I had tried my best to tell him that I love you but I could not.. the day I flew from USA I was completely afraid because I knew that we would never meet again.. this was the worst and powerful feeling I had never had :'(
during these months I miss him and now I can do anything to meet him once more..
Thank you very much :) Good luck for your next poems and we will be happy to read those!

  • Linda by Linda
  • 12 years ago

I completely understand this poem. And I'm 50 years old! My lover is far away. Over 400 miles away. But we manage to see each other every 6 to 7 weeks. I wish I could be with him every day, but it's not possible right now. Hopefully someday. :-)

  • Philippines by Philippines
  • 12 years ago

I can relate as well.. We been together for 2 yrs. and 5 mos. now and it is really hard to be far from the man you love. At first it made me cry, almost everyday but he always assure me that it will always be me, his one and only. And I trust him until now we are still together and being far from each other makes our relationship stronger:) we pray together as well.. I love him so much and I super miss him! He'll be home this summer and I can't wait to see him!:)

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, Canada
  • 12 years ago

How sweet, that no matter the length of the relationship, almost all long distance couples can relate. My hubby and I are 6 and a half years currently, and a country away, and the simplicity of this poem is very relative. I enjoy it. But as many have said before, deep rooted love cannot be worded or fashioned for others to understand.

  • Jj by Jj, London
  • 12 years ago

My boyfriend moved to Australia, I live in England. Its the most painful thing I've ever had to deal with.

  • Black by Black
  • 12 years ago

There are no words to describe the truth and beauty of this poem.
But the biggest problem is my love is in California and I'm in Saudi Arabia there are many difficulties to meet her

Good luck

  • Meggie by Meggie
  • 12 years ago

Hey.. I am in the same situation at the moment, I am 15 years old and I live 5 hours from my boy.. the last time I saw him was August and it breaks my heart everyday that I can't be with him. We have been together now 2 and a half years and I find your poem very touching!.xx

  • Elijah by Elijah, Lagos Nigeria
  • 12 years ago

Damn and I thought I was the only one who is in a long distance relationship, because I met this girl on a social networking site and we've been together since September and although we have our little fights and squabbles we still make up even though we haven't actually met. We talk on phone for long periods of time, sometimes for five hours and we also chat and Skype a lot. Sometimes I wish she was here in Lagos instead of Abuja but things are going to work out. I'm gonna meet her in a few days from now and I'm sure gonna be as happy as hell. Good poem though

  • Justin by Justin
  • 12 years ago

Hey..I love you poem..I'm a boy and I'm 15 years old. I don't get to see my girl often and were together for a year now. I miss her and I'd like to see her..it's very hard for me not to be able to hold her. So I just want to say. I love the poem I've been touched by it.xx

  • Sammi by Sammi, Louisiana
  • 12 years ago

This is so true, I have a Fiancé that is far away right now an after reading this it made me cry and he loves reading these cause it makes him miss his family (me and his son) I love my fiancé

  • Sita by Sita, Indonesia
  • 12 years ago

This poems give inspiration. When I far away from my Love. We have long distance relationship. He's in USA now. These poems make my strong. Good luck for all.

  • Savanna by Savanna, Oregon
  • 12 years ago

My bf is in the marines and I miss him. I thought this poem was perfect for us. Story of my life.

  • Nigeria by Nigeria
  • 12 years ago

I love your poem.. It's just what I and a million of others in LDR's feel.. I am 16 going on 17 and love this guy but he is currently in a university far from mine. He is in Osun state and I am in Ibadan.. I miss him so much.. I love him very much too.. I wish we can be together all the time but it's not possible. My heart always aches for him but as he says 'It's all for the best babe'. I just do love him.. Hope your relationship works out and that of those of us too who have this type of relationships too.

  • Jade Kim by Jade Kim
  • 12 years ago

Thank you so much. After reading this poem and the comments above, I feel a little less alone and that I'm not the only person in this kind of situation. Yes distance is really hard and really can tear two people apart, make you go crazy, helpless even, but for those who make it through, it truly can be beautiful. Stay strong guys! Good luck and thank you to who wrote this amazing poem(*^_^*)

  • Asia by Asia
  • 12 years ago

Aw that poem is so true ♥ I love it so much. Also I have a similar relationship; it is very hard sometimes. Nobody can understand us sometimes. We've been dating 7 months now but, we Skype too:) I ♥ him very much.

I wish to everyone who is in the same way, joy your wonderful life with the special person C;


  • Evelyn by Evelyn, U.S
  • 12 years ago

Omg, who ever wrote this poem has an art. I'm 15 and I have this same situation I have a clandestine love with my boyfriend which I get to see him at least three times a week cause his mom and my mom would make our lives a living hell. But the less time we see each other the more we love each other. And to who ever wrote this good luck because I also understand you. And thank you again for the poems. ;)

  • Alwaysinlove by Alwaysinlove
  • 12 years ago

Hi, I'm a 21-year old girl. What a beautiful poem! The situation is very similar for me. I've spend two beautiful holidays with my holiday love who lives far away and who is not prepared to be a real couple. Since the day I met him more than a year ago, no day has passed without thinking of you. Everytime he send me a message all my worries disappear and my world looks like a paradise. Good luck for everyone who is in the same situation, I hope the best for you all. If you have questions to me, just ask them in another message, I always like to talk about this subject.

  • Malta by Malta
  • 12 years ago

O my god sometimes I think I'm alone who lives faraway to my boyfriend
Also I have a similar relationship; it is very hard to live this life and nobody can understood
How much it's painful, can't describe. I met him during a holiday we have been dating 2 years now
We talk whole nights on Skype and we meet twice a year
Wish to everyone who is in this way glad, joy and much hope


  • Chris by Chris, Australia
  • 12 years ago

This is such a beautiful poem ! It describes so much, and is so true! I too have someone from a far away place that I wish I could be next to, and it can be really hard at times. But just be patient as I am doing I have to wait 3 years and 9 months to be able to move to mine's home country .
Very good poem good luck with you and your boyfriend and cherish as many moments as possible. :) <3

  • Mariana by Mariana, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

SUCH A BEAUTIFUL POEM! I love it.....same thing is going on with me but the thing here is that we used to see each other but never talked and such but then I moved to a different state and we started talking and ended up going out. Its somehow complicated since we can't see each other and doubts run through our heads like in any other human being.....but I just hope to see him soon and to know for sure if that love was worth every shot. He's always in my head, that is for sure, I wonder if he thinks about me as much as I myself think about him. <3

  • Kendra by Kendra
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem! I can relate to this poem because my boyfriend who is 20 now and I'm 19 I have been dating him for 4 years now, he lives out the state almost 6 hours away and I met him at a car show because he was visiting and he asked me out on a date and I've seen him about once or twice a year but he is thinking of going into the navy:(

  • Annie by Annie, California
  • 12 years ago

I so relate to this poem. It explains how I feel right now! My boyfriend & I are going through so much being apart! :/ I hope everyone is doing okay with their loves <3

  • Emily by Emily, South Carolina
  • 12 years ago

This poem is sweet. Although I don't currently have a boyfriend I can relate to this. I was in love with a guy out of state and we could never be together because of it. It mad me sad. We ended up breaking our 5 year long distance relationship. I'm over it and him that's for sure.

  • Lordson by Lordson, Lagos
  • 13 years ago

I am a teen of 18 I have a girlfriend who lives faraway from me. A Nigerian and a black beauty. I love her very much and she loves me too, I met her during a holiday when she visited my location and I asked her out and she said yes after some weeks of trying and now we are dating that's why I came to this site to get sweet poems for her though she stays faraway from me.

  • Morena by Morena, Holland
  • 13 years ago

Wow this poem just touched me..! I know definitely what you feel. I have the same problem and I love him soo much. We talk whole nights on Skype. But it isn't the same as when we were next each other. I mean we had fights and stuff like that. And then I didn't realize that he is the one I really want. Sometimes I feel myself soo ashamed because I don't know how to describe how much I love him in words and I feel really dumb about it, because every times he sent me cute messages about how much he loves me, misses me and cares for me. I don't know any other words to say back other than I LOVE YOU. Please help me with inspiration or tell me how you get yours..soo maybe I can describe how much I love him. And DAMN..your poem is pretty cool. You write exactly what I feel. Some times it's really hard to be far from each other. But it's nice to know or see how we fight for our love and trust each other.

  • Kimberly Pena by Kimberly Pena
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem.....I also have a boyfriend that lives far away...I hope that who wrote this is happy with the person you love. Its hard but it's worth it one day...even if you are far away our love grows everyday.....good luck

  • Elmej by Elmej
  • 13 years ago

Hi..what a nice poem. I could really relate..same as the author. I'm also far from my love, as I read this poem, it makes me miss my love so much..for those who wants to read this, hope you'll love it...enjoy

  • Karissa by Karissa
  • 13 years ago

I loved this poem:) I'm 16 in a half and I'm in the same situation.. I only get to see my boyfriend in school for only three hours but in that three hours I try my best to see him.. whoever wrote this poem I hope you and your love goes so well.. and keep your head up.. because even though you're far away apart your love will get stronger and stronger each day that you live..

  • Katelyn by Katelyn
  • 13 years ago

soooo true, I know what its like to be so young and yet so in love but so far apart. I am 16 and in a similar situation. good luck to who wrote the poem. I loved the poem and could not believe how similar it is to me. I love my boyfriend very much yet not being able to see him is very hard.

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