Death Moving On Poem

Poem About Never Getting The Chance To Say Goodbye

I wrote this poem after a friend of mine attempted suicide. Thankfully, she lived, but I was still haunted by the "what if?" What if she had died? What if I never got to say goodbye? I know there are millions of people left without goodbyes, and I wanted to write a poem that could (hopefully) capture the "last goodbye" to a person who is already deceased (the "last goodbye" being a way to let go and try to move on).

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The Last Goodbye

© more by Olivia M Likens

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.

I wasn't ready
For that last goodbye.
There's so much more
I never got to say.
I miss you so much.
I hope you know
I'll remember you always.
I don't think I'll ever let go.
I never really said
A proper "farewell,"
So now I'll tell you
And hope you'll hear.
I'll miss you always,
And Goodbye.
See you on the other side.



"I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up."

Hey all,
I'm a sixteen year old kid living on the gray side of Oregon. I don't consider myself to be a poet, writer, or artist; my poems are just my method of self expression. I rarely write with a focus on word choice, rhythm, rhyming, or style. I prefer to just let it all flow. In my...

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