Humorous Poem

Funny Poem About Not Understanding Your Mechanic

Ever have car trouble and the explanation of the problems can be very confusing especially for us not car repair people? Sometimes the explanation could just as well be in Greek.

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Yeah, it did. It's called a cliff hanger, so all in all they did have a proper ending. *shrug

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The Car


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

I was heading south to the city's biggest shopping center
To get a steak and other things that I could eat for dinner.
Then I noticed, luckily, I was nearly out of gas.
So, I headed for the Stall-Mart store out near the overpass.
Just as I pulled up, the engine somehow died.
I couldn't get it started, no matter how I tried.
At that moment I noticed an old man walking with a cane.
He cringed each time he stepped as if he were in pain.
With a toothless smile, he asked me, "Fella, what's the problem?"
I told him that my car just died and problems, man, I got 'em.
He said, "Give me a few minutes to find out why it's dead."
He opened the hood and in just thirty seconds he turned to me and said,
You have a blasticated unicellular caustic tad malfunction.
The generator pottsigraft has lost most of its suction.
You have tubular antispiral mispopulated slippage.
And the plastic-nozzeled harpsitube needs a brand new tippage.
The lesser of all your problems that I find you got
Is that the double crypted intake valve really squeaks a lot.
And my professional assessment that I've done thus far,
Tells me that this heap is crap and you need another car.
I can sell you a slightly used cream-puff if you want to take her.
It's a 19 and 43 fully loaded Studebaker.
It runs real good and looks real sharp and has only a few small dents.
I'll let you have it for 600 dollars and 37 cents,
Plus my complete diagnostic examination that I've done today.
So can we make a gentleman's deal? What do you have to say?"
As I was walking home I noticed a shiny bicycle for sale...


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  • Nikhita by Nikhita
  • 8 years ago

Poem was quite good and impressive but it did not have a proper end.

  • MayIPleaseHavePrivacy by MayIPleaseHavePrivacy
  • 8 years ago

Yeah, it did. It's called a cliff hanger, so all in all they did have a proper ending. *shrug

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