Funny Friendship Poem

Poem Promising To Love Friends Through Everything

For the best friends who make life what it is...

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This poem I sent to my boyfriend, as it is just perfect for me and him.

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Best Friends

© more by Alex

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

I promise to love you
When your jokes are not funny.
I promise to love you
When you have no money.

I promise to love you
When you're sick and all snotty.
I promise to love you
When you're angry and grotty.

I promise to love you
When you're drunk and unruly.
I promise to love you
When you're hung over and drooly.

And I promise to love you
When you drive me 'round the bend.
I promise to love you
Because you are my best friend!


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  • Stories 2
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Elise Doodle Henry by Elise Doodle Henry
  • 7 years ago

This poem I sent to my boyfriend, as it is just perfect for me and him.

  • Mehak by Mehak
  • 8 years ago

I was touched by the poem because the last line actually touches me a lot because not only does it describe me but also it gives me energy and power to live in my life with my very good friends.

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