Funny Friendship Poem

Ingredients Of Friendship Poem

If friendship were a cake, which ingredients would it have?

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I love this poem because it wraps up my friendship with my best friend in one. I think it's the perfect poem for her birthday as it involves lots of cake!

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The Cake Of Friendship


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

Preheat the oven of love
With plenty of secrets and hugs.

Mix in giggles and laughs
That make your sides split in half.

Bake with the love and care
And all the things you both should share.

Decorate with the frosting of trust;
This is really a must.

Enjoy the cake; do not eat it fast.
Just like your new friendship, make it last.


  • Stories 7
  • Shares 6329
  • Favorited 70
  • Votes 3180
  • Rating 4.25
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Robyn Lidbury by Robyn Lidbury
  • 6 years ago

I love this poem because it wraps up my friendship with my best friend in one. I think it's the perfect poem for her birthday as it involves lots of cake!

  • Jizzelle by Jizzelle
  • 7 years ago

This is like my best friends because they are always beside me, and they always have my back! Their names are Cody, Steven, Samantha, Kayla, Marshall, Andrew, Andrea, Alia, Christian, and Kenya!!! These are my BFFs. They are always there for me! They are one of a kind friends!

  • Patricia Grudens by Patricia Grudens, NY
  • 9 years ago

I love this poem because it perfectly describes the way I feel about my two best friends, Katie and Lina. They love and support me no matter what and I do the same for them! Whenever we are feeling sad, we recite this poem to each other! We also enjoy eating food together XOXOXO

  • Sam by Sam, Lincoln MA
  • 10 years ago

A great small poem to include at the beginning of a new friendship/relationship.

  • Laura Wilmslow England by Laura Wilmslow England
  • 11 years ago

I love this story because me and my best friends are really good friends and we never fight and we love each other and we both love cake. xxxxoooooo

  • Sarah Barnes by Sarah Barnes, Omaha
  • 13 years ago

I love this story because of the fact of mixing friends, and good food together! This is the kind of friendships everyone should have together!

  • Kimmy by Kimmy, Evansville Indiana
  • 14 years ago

I love this story not only because I LOVE cake but because it has friends too!!

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