Mother's Day Poem

I dedicate this poem to my beautiful mother who has helped me through all my struggles and is the most important person in my life.

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This poem has really touched my heart. My mom means the world to me, she is the best mom ever. I could not ask for a better mother.

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Thank You Mother


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

To be a mother is not an easy task,
yet you do it proudly every day, no matter what is asked.
You have turned your baby into a beautiful young lady.
You were there for me since the very beginning and saved me countless tears.
The pushy and wise advice you gave will carry me through the years.
With my every mistake or wrongful deed,
you were always there to understand.
You put no limits on my dreams or anything else I wish to do.
You never forget to say you care or that you love me too.
The smile and tears upon your face when I achieve provides me with more value in my heart than you'd ever believe.
There is no other person that will shape my heart the way you've done,
your job finished perfectly for your precious daughters and son.
We have had a rocky road through triumph and catastrophe, hard time and despair,
but not a single moment of time of not having a wonderful mother there.
You have always put in your last with love, and my whole life is not enough time for me to repay you.
We always put our disagreements to the side and manage to make it through.
I know that my teen years have driven you crazy, but you have guided me with assurance along the way.
You have given me comfort and certainty with every breath I take within the day.
Your little girl is growing up, but your baby girl will always remain deep inside me.
There are not enough words that can thank you for how you've helped me emotionally and physically. 
I have my whole future ahead of me and you are the women that has led me and guided me toward the proper path.
How can one simple day prove that much thanks and love to someone who has pushed this far and still is working her way?
No other person deserves a more wonderful Mother's Day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shabnam by Shabnam
  • 10 years ago

This poem has really touched my heart. My mom means the world to me, she is the best mom ever. I could not ask for a better mother.

  • Catherine by Catherine
  • 10 years ago

I really liked this poem. It is like the poet wrote this for me based on what my life is about. It touched me so much that I started crying. My mom had cancer a year ago and I am only 14 now. Her birthday is a week and a half away and I was looking for some poems to put on the walls for her surprise birthday party and I saw this one and I am just changing Mother's Day to birthday and this will definitely be on the wall.

  • Lily by Lily
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem it really touched me, I realized that I can't actually live without my one and only mum and I am really thankful to god that I have got a mother just like her beautiful, kind, caring and most of all really supportive

  • Amaechi by Amaechi, Lagos
  • 11 years ago

So we have this culture of going back home after a year's work to spend the new year with our parents. I was looking for a special letter to tuck into the hamper I already got. This proves so useful. Thank you.

  • Danielle by Danielle
  • 11 years ago

I was looking for a Mom poem for my Mom's birthday card and this is definitely the one! I can really relate. Thank you!

  • Torere Royal by Torere Royal, Nigeria
  • 11 years ago

I sure am glad to have read this poem, It's touching on life challenges. Though my mum is gone, reading this poem makes me appreciate her more, even in death. Miss you so much mum.

  • Ebony by Ebony, United States
  • 11 years ago

I was just looking for a great poem to use to give to my mother for mother's day (I couldn't afford to get her anything special and thought adding a poem to the gift I already have would add a personal touch), and came across this poem. Whoever wrote this poem, I thank you from the bottom of my heart because as I read it, I began to cry because word from word, I felt it in my heart! Thank you!

  • Bhuvan by Bhuvan, New Delhi
  • 11 years ago

Amazing!!! Loved each bit of the poem and, well, can't have enough words to explain my feelings. How I wish I had my mom still alive and I could have expressed my love, affection and loads of thank you'd to her. But now that I don't have her by my side, have to be satisfied with all these lovely-worded poems written especially for moms. Miss you, mom, so very much.

  • Simangele by Simangele, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

Wow when I read this poem I cried my mom is the best she is a single mom but the job she did raising me is great

  • Grace by Grace
  • 12 years ago

This is such a lovely poem it touched me so badly coz I was raised by a single mum and everything about this poem just says it all and these are the kinds of words I would love to share with my mother

  • Bangalore by Bangalore, India
  • 12 years ago

My mom is the only person in this world, she is my world from the day I came into this world. She stood by me after papa passed away. From the age of 4 years she is my whole family, my sister as she still looks young, my friend, my guide, advisor and my only support. Today I teach hundreds of students just like her, today I am confident person, having a secured job all because of all her sacrifices. She took all pains, faced all sorrows and gave me all love and only love. I thank you for giving me this opportunity to write a few words about the most precious person of my world.

  • Ohio by Ohio
  • 12 years ago

This was so beautiful I am going to use some of these sentences for my poem for my mom this was wonderful.

  • Precious by Precious, Pangasinan
  • 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing your poem. It guided me to write my own poem for my mom for this coming mother's day.. I always be thankful to God for giving me such wonderful mother. I love her so much and of course my dad too.

  • Amal by Amal, New York City
  • 12 years ago

The first time I read this Poem I knew that this poem was made just for my mother. Also, after reading this poem it made me realize everything that my mother has done for me. Mothers Day is coming up in a week and I have already made her a card and every year I copy a poem and this year I am definitely going to copy this poem . Its a wonderful poem made for the best moms in the world !!!!!

  • Joy by Joy
  • 13 years ago

This is the most lovely poem I have ever seen. It suits my mum in every way, I have to publish it on my Facebook status to wish my mum happy mothering Sunday, which is coming up and to all my friends, my sisters. I must say God bless you for this write up cos its wonderful.

  • Jayne Kate by Jayne Kate
  • 13 years ago

This poems is so lovely my mum is the most important person in my life and I just love her so much. This poem suits my mum very nicely because she's helped me through all my struggles and is still looking out for me no matter what.

  • Joanne by Joanne, Texas
  • 13 years ago

When I read this poem I cried and thought of my mother and I relationship she is my rock and even if I haven't always realized she made me who I am today and now that I'm a mother myself she has shown me how to be the best supportive, kind, loving, and understanding mother I am I wouldn't know what to do without my mother. She lights my world when it has gone dark and she has found me when I got lost and I will spend the rest of my life showing her how much I appreciate everything she has done for me.

  • Rebecca by Rebecca
  • 13 years ago

On October 16, 2011, the police knocked on my door to tell me, "Elizabeth Briley is dead." "We need someone to come and get her baby."
Elizabeth is my 26 year old daughter. We were very close. She was in excellent health. She had a new apartment she was furnishing. She was a single mom. An honor student through school. I had spoke with her via telephone the day before. I did not see any danger signs. She was at an old "friend's" home, just "hanging out." Found dead by her "friend". No viewing of her body allowed. No cause of death at this time.
Now, I have Sophia Elizabeth Briley, my 16 month granddaughter, Elizabeth's gift she left to me. So many unanswered questions. No help from the authorities here.
I am grieving.

  • Bethany Aucoin by Bethany Aucoin
  • 13 years ago

I saw this poem and it really touched me. I edited it a little to fit me and put it in a card and gave it to my mom. I didn't tell her I wrote it!!! In fact, I actually showed her this poem and told her it was the original. Thank You!!!

  • Maddison. Oberon by Maddison. Oberon
  • 13 years ago

I have no way to thank my mum for all she has done. She has been there since the day I took my first breath love ya mum forever and always no matter how many fights and disagreements we have you will always my mother and therefore I love you through every day.

I fight with my mother all the time. I whine about every task she asks me to do. this poem taught me she does a lot for me and loves me lots.

  • Sphelele by Sphelele, Kzn
  • 14 years ago

I'm going to forward this poem to my friends to send it to their mothers. This is really good, I'm going to send it to my mother on her birthday this Sunday. Thank you so much for this poem it is really lovely, I can't stop reading it.

  • Wendy by Wendy
  • 14 years ago

wow this is an amazing poem!! my mom is my whole world!! we have been through a lot but she has done the best she could.. being a mother of 5 and having no support even when the father of the kids is alive... she is true AMAZING and I love my mom ad am grateful for EVERYTHING that she has done for us!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!!

  • Zama by Zama, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

Wow I'm crying.
this poem sounds like it was written for me to express my love, respect and gratitude. I love my mom but I find it hard to express my feelings for her and I sometimes feel that I don't show her love often and worry that maybe she thinks I don't love her....she means the world to me and there will never be a person greater than her. She is the wind beneath my wings. I wish I could tell her that!

  • jess by jess
  • 15 years ago

This poem reminds me of the times when mom has helped me through terrible break ups and bad boyfriends, and the time in my freshman year when I was raped and my mom was there for me the whole time and I never even had the words to tell her how much I appreciated her until now when I read this poem I know especially what to tell her and thank her and how much I love her on her birthday.
Thank you.

  • 15 years ago

This is exactly what I was looking for!! Thank you so much, this inspired me to write my speech!!.. and I passed!! Glory to God!! Thank you so much, I live my mum also!! All the Best, God Bless =)

  • sweetie by sweetie
  • 15 years ago

This is so amazing. It sounds like it was written for me and my mother. Thank you for this amazing poem. I plan on giving this to my mother on Mother's Day if it is okay with you?

  • Khusboo by Khusboo
  • 15 years ago

I always fight with my mom about well, practically everything like any other teenager, but this poem actually showed how much my mom loves me. It makes me consider my "teen" actions now before I actually jump to conclusions and blow the roof off. Chao!

  • Brenda by Brenda
  • 16 years ago

For me, this is the most beautiful poem! It was almost like it was written especially for me to give to my mom. It brought tears to my eyes and I hope my mom will feel the same joy when she receives it next Mother's Day. I'm a mom now and I hope that I can be half of the parent that she was to me...I've got big shoes to fill! Thank you for the inspiration in your poem.

  • renu by renu
  • 16 years ago

The poem has touched my life. My mother is the best mom in the world. she has sacrificed each comfort of her life to make me self dependent. Now today I am a Dr.

  • shauna by shauna
  • 16 years ago

this poem has really touched me because I feel the same way towards my mother who has always been there for me to help me throughout my problems and difficulties. she's a great influence to me and I am forever thankful for having her as my mother.

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