Creative Poem

Sitting Down To Write A Poem

I sat down to write a poem, but no ideas appeared at that time. Then out of the blue, this poem emerged.

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Sitting Here Pen In Hand, Brain In Neutral!

Paul L. Kennedy © more by Paul L. Kennedy

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2020 with permission of the Author.

I want to write a poem, but I don't know where to start.
Should it be an ode to love and come straight from the heart?

Or should it wax lyrical of sky and moon and stars,
or of planets of our universe Pluto, Jupiter, or Mars?

It could be of the flora or fauna of this, our wonderful land,
or of walking barefoot on a lonely beach kicking up the sand.

Of countries and of places where the surroundings seem so strange,
frozen lands, dense jungles, valleys deep and of vast mountain's range.

Rivers long, the life blood of lands they pass along their way,
irrigating crops and refreshing thirsts continually night and day.

Or of the sheer beauty of Mother Nature we can experience all around,
from the gigantic right down to microscopic, many wondrous things abound.

Maybe of the sadness felt when the highest price is paid,
be it that of unselfish sacrifice of life or whenever it is made.

Well, after all those varied thoughts, I have no idea how to carry on.
I only wish I had learned some music, and then I'd have written a song!



I didn’t realise what worldwide talent was out there until I stumbled on this very good website. I’ve always loved writing poetry and am inspired by some really mundane things in life and at other times very serious things and situations. Poetry can be funny and sad and can reflect the inner feelings of the poet and invoke those same emotions...

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