Sister Poem

There is no getting out of relationships of blood.

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To my sister Tammie, you're my hero my guardian angel. Even though we are not true sisters, thank you for being there through the tough times and good times. You have changed me for the...

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We Are Sisters For Life


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

We are sisters for life, no matter what you say.
You may not be there every day, but you're in my heart.
You make mistakes, as do I; you are forgiven, as am I.
We'll hold through till the death.
I hope when we're old we can look back and laugh.
I'll always be there for you, and you can call on me for anything.
We may get into arguments and fights,
But no matter what, you're always forgiven.
I may not say it though, but I love you always and forever.


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  • Lisa Kelley by Lisa Kelley
  • 2 years ago

To my sister Tammie, you're my hero my guardian angel. Even though we are not true sisters, thank you for being there through the tough times and good times. You have changed me for the better, and you have so much love in you. Even though I'm not a true sister, you treat me like one. Thank you, you are my hero.

  • Curly John Emo by Curly John Emo
  • 7 years ago

My sisters and I have been through a lot. In life we learned that we should always love each other because in life we're gonna be looking up at each other. That's why I love my sisters so much.

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