Sister Poem

A relationship formed by blood and bonded with love will not soon be severed.

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Great words used and I appreciate this story. I have my sister in Europe. I am in India, but we talk on Skype, Facebook, Snapchat. She is very good soul sister. I love her infinitely because...

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One Plus One Equals Two

© more by Debbie A. Burrous

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

One plus one equals two, you see,
But somehow it's different with you and me.

When we're together, we share one mind.
A happier pair you'll never find.

I'm only complete when you are near.
To lose you someday is my biggest fear.

You know my dreams and my every thought.
No stronger bond could ever be sought.

We have a lot in common, it's true,
But who'd have thought, who ever knew?

Twins we're not, so it's not ESP,
But I'm not complete unless you're with me.

More than friends, I can't explain it all.
With you as my sister, I feel 10 feet tall.

As sisters and friends, we're quite a pair.
One soul, one mind is what we share.

You make my world a better place.
I live each day to see your face.

It takes two halves to make a whole.
My heart and yours, we make one soul.


more by Debbie A. Burrous

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mara White by Mara White, England
  • 10 years ago

I have a sister that is eight years older than me. This poem describes us and our relationship perfectly. We both love the same things, we have been mistaken for identical twins more than once. Imagine, eight years older! Even our parents get us mixed up. Whenever I'm with her, I feel complete. Whenever I'm sad she's the only one that can make me happy again. When she got into university, I cried because I wouldn't be able to see her everyday. Once again. she comforted me. We're like two peas in a pod. We could never be split up. I wouldn't trade her for anything. We sound, act, look and think the same. We even read each others minds. I also have a best friend, whom I have been best friends with since I was two years old. But not even that relationship is described in this poem. (of course, I love her almost as much) Only true sisters, or friends, could hold up a relationship like the poem describes.

  • Safeena Afreen by Safeena Afreen, Ranchi
  • 8 years ago

Great words used and I appreciate this story. I have my sister in Europe. I am in India, but we talk on Skype, Facebook, Snapchat. She is very good soul sister. I love her infinitely because she understand me very well; she also loves me a lot.

  • Monique by Monique
  • 10 years ago

I have a BFF that I have known my whole life! We have been best friends since we were 4 and our birthdays are so close together! I am only 2 weeks and a day older than her! We treat each other like sisters and still are keeping in touch ever since I had to move away. We still say we love each other and I can't wait to fly down and see her again which I haven't seen her for almost a year now! But we always say we will never forget each other!

  • Dana by Dana, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

When I met Corrine I knew, just knew, that we had so much in common it was scary! We are now best friends, like sisters! Now I found a poem that matches our relationship.

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