I'm Sorry Love Poem

Poem Pleading Not To Give Up

I wrote this for my wife in the middle of a very rough part of our relationship.

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A few days ago my boyfriend called me back. He told me he had to do a lot of thinking because I really hurt him the way I said bye and I feel so guilty of that situation still. I almost...

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Shallow Sorry

© more by Sean O'Brien

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2010 with permission of the Author.

If my words were like a nail
Your feelings were the board
No matter how many times I say I'm sorry
Deep down you still are scored

I never meant to hurt you
I'll never understand
We've been through so much together
What I'd give to take your hand!

You know you are my best friend
My soul is empty and lost
I was so hurt and angry
Not knowing what it cost

Darling, don't give up yet
Please believe in me
I will show you what love is
Give me time and you will see


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ebony Walton by Ebony Walton
  • 7 years ago

The other day I woke up and I had so much anger inside myself, and I took it out on my mother for no reason, just being rude. Earlier that day, I had messaged my boyfriend but he was in a meeting and something inside just came out of left field. I told him bye and I was breaking up with him. He emailed me, "Fine if you want to break up don't contact me in any way." It's been hard, but I have and he's ignoring my messages. I wasn't trying to break up. I had ended up taking my anger out on him. I hurt and made him so angry he hates me to the core. I hope someday he'll talk to me because I miss him and I'm sorry for what I did.

  • Ebony Walton by Ebony Walton
  • 7 years ago

A few days ago my boyfriend called me back. He told me he had to do a lot of thinking because I really hurt him the way I said bye and I feel so guilty of that situation still. I almost pushed away my boyfriend because of my actions and I almost lost him and he didn't deserve that. We finally talked on the phone and we're working things out, and he forgave me, and I did not give up on him and he did not on me. We are taking it 1 day at a time and back in love with each other again. I will never let him go ever.

  • Ashley Holland by Ashley Holland
  • 14 years ago

I've been going through some rough spots with my fiancé...this poem really spoke to me...I don't know who his wife is, but I hope she knows she's one lucky woman. Sometimes all it takes is a heartfelt "I'm Sorry"....and forgiveness is there waiting for you.

  • Lani by Lani, Hawaii
  • 14 years ago

I was in a rough spot and was looking for the best way to have my husband not give up on me. It said everything I needed to.

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