I'm Sorry Love Poem

Poem About Marriage Dissolving

The story behind the poem goes like this. I had lost my wife, and I thought I would be better off without her, and I treated her so badly when we were married, but I realize that what I did was wrong. I hope people can read this poem and see that you must cherish your loved one 'cause one day they might not be there, and you will be lost and alone.

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I was looking for a way to express what I am going through and your poem just said it well. I just hope things shall come to pass and maybe get back together

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Lost A Part Of Me


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I lay next to you watching you lay.
Why couldn't I have done everything to make you stay?
I look back at all our smiles and frowns,
wondering how we made it through all the ups and downs.
I gently brush your hair behind your ear.
Losing you was my one and only fear.
Why do all things great come to an end?
You were my baby, my wife, even my friend.
How could I not see you slowly fading away?
I made myself believe everything was okay,
but I was too blind to see
you were slowly slipping away from me.
Now you're gone, you went away.
I am sorry for leading you astray,
but I must move forward and learn from my mistake.
I must learn to live with my heartache.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your life.
I am glad to have had you for my wife.
Always and forever, baby, you'll always be mine.
I'll always love you, even past the end of time.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nairobi Kenya by Nairobi Kenya
  • 11 years ago

I was looking for a way to express what I am going through and your poem just said it well. I just hope things shall come to pass and maybe get back together

  • Alex by Alex
  • 12 years ago

The reason I'm seeing your poem is because that is the same thing that is going on with my life since last night. I have been treating her like sh*t. And I'm really sorry. We have been through a lot. We even have a dead daughter. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  • Adrienne by Adrienne
  • 13 years ago

I was in the same situation as you with my wife, thought I would be better without her and treated her poorly. I didn't see what I had till I lost her. I was looking for a poem to express to her how I feel and how sorry I am, this poem definitely was the one. It struck a nerve the minute I started reading it. Thank you for sharing you words.

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