Long Distance Poem

I wrote this poem for my boyfriend who is in prison, like many others. This basically voices my loneliness and fear. There aren't that many poems for men in prison and this one I know many can relate to.

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I found this poem amazing. I find myself driven away with it. My fiancé is miles away from me. He went for an Army training across the waters to US. I am left behind, lonely. Each time I read...

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Scared Of Not Missing You


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I'm scared of not missing you anymore, I'm scared to live that day.
I'm scared my mind will erase the memory of the day you went away.
I put a lot of trust in you, you said that you were different.
Your intellect was beyond the hood, but I guess not far enough to miss it.

I guess I should've told you that I'm really sensitive, though I try to act like I don't mind, that night I still relive.
I'm ashamed because I know I love you way more than you like me,
and that I cry for you when you're not here so much that I can't see.

This headache just won't go away, it's been here since you left.
Though loud yet meek, though screaming yet bleak, this loss truly feels like death.
I pray you don't feel these words are a stretch because we've shared limited time,
or that I'm completely insane for tatting your name, assuring I've lost my mind.

Well the truth is that you are for me, and I've known it since we met.
Yeah we fought, loved, broken up, but there's something you just have to get.
I don't want anyone else baby doll, I don't want another man.
I'll build you up and give you my heart to cradle in your hand.

I admit I am attached baby, and dangerously it's true.
That I want to offer my body and soul as a sacrifice to you.
I pray you never leave my side though physical I can take,
but mentally please stay a while and never leave this place.

365 days is the longest fight I feel I've already been beat.
That waiting is indeed the hardest game and I've just succumbed to defeat.
Terell aka my babe that definitely is what you are.
Though unspoken yet chanted, and rough yet romantic, this love was written in the stars.

I don't know what you feel inside, or if this load you can carry.
If once you're out you'll go buck wild or settle down and marry.
I feel we'll be getting to know each other more so here than before,
so open and let me in because it's you that I adore.

The fate of this relationship is exclusively up to you, I'll be holding down my end until my biggest dream comes true-
I love you!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Wanyonyi Racheal by Wanyonyi Racheal
  • 5 years ago

I found this poem amazing. I find myself driven away with it. My fiancé is miles away from me. He went for an Army training across the waters to US. I am left behind, lonely. Each time I read this poem, I find my love for Benjamin rekindled.

  • Mady by Mady
  • 9 years ago

This poem is incredible. I felt as though it was me. My fiance' of 3 years, has spent 2/3 of the time of us being together in prison. This gave me inspiration to write him a poem, one from the heart like this one. Thanks so much for sharing. I loved this one!

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