Relationship Poem

Poem Remembering Progression Of Relationship

I wrote this poem for someone who means the entire world to me. Several years ago when I was friendless, depressed, and attempting suicide, he began to write me "secret" admirer notes. That's when I decided to stop. Time went on, and eventually he became my best friend. After even more time we became a couple. Life has been difficult, and some people really don't want us a couple, but I love him more than anything in this world.

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At the beginning I loved a woman, and she didn't know I existed. My love kept growing, and still she wasn't aware of what was going on inside my heart about her. Wherever you are and whatever...

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Remember The First

© more by Destrie Moon

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

I remember the first time you talked to me,
I wasn't sure what to do.
No one ever talked to me.
This was something different,
But something good.

I remember the first note you gave me
That made my hands shake as I took it from you.
It made me realize someone cared,
That I wasn't completely alone,
And that if I left this world someone would know.

I remember our first dance together.
My mind was focused on the wrong guy.
I should have known it was you.
All along it was you,
And I'm glad you were the one to catch me.

I remember the first time you were sick.
I watched you carefully as you laid in my lap,
All along afraid you would go,
So small and warm it was then I knew I wanted to keep you.

I remember the first time I felt jealousy,
The feeling was foreign, something new,
A blinding anger that made no sense.
I wanted it gone and the other girl too.
All along I knew I was better for you.
I tried turning my anger by ridding myself of you.
The attempts were less than half hearted,
Even then you were the best thing I had.

The first humiliation and first time you held my hand
I was nervous, ashamed and wondering how much I really meant to you,
But then that simple gesture stopped my shaking, made me smile through fear.
You could make anything better.

I remember the first time I started to love you.
It was another new feeling, but it came so naturally.
You helped me through everything; you were always there.
I knew it was right, I knew you were mine.

I remember the first time I kissed you,
Sitting quietly at night on the porch.
The world seemed to stand still just for us.
I was nervous again, but in a much better way.
I had butterflies for days.

Remember the first time I started to trust you.
It was the strangest feeling you had yet to give.
I told you my secrets, my past and my fears.
You never left me like I thought you would.
You will stand by me through it all.

Do you remember the first time I listened to your heart?
I let my head lay on your chest, my hand lay gently on your face.
Time stood still above the world and we watched it all, just me and you.
Listening to yours set my own at ease.

I remember the first time I felt safe.
Curled up right in your lap
You promised to never hit me, to never try and hurt me.
You don't know what that meant to me,
It made me love you even more.
It is such a beautiful and amazing thing to know,
That you'll never hurt me.

Do you remember the first time I believed you?
You held me in your arms as we danced across the floor
You painted me a picture of forever,
I listened in astonishment because somehow, suddenly I knew it was true.

Remember all the firsts and the lasts.
I know we will have more if you spend forever with me.
I'll do anything to keep you, I'll never let you go.
You are the only one and you'll always be.
I will love you forever.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brill James by Brill James, Mbeya
  • 6 years ago

At the beginning I loved a woman, and she didn't know I existed. My love kept growing, and still she wasn't aware of what was going on inside my heart about her. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, you're the reason I can feel love.

  • The Beast by The Beast
  • 7 years ago

I loved that poem. Please write more of them. They inspire me.

  • Laken Allen by Laken Allen, Alabama
  • 10 years ago

I was 14. There was this guy that I went to school with. I liked him but I didn't know if he knew if I existed. Well he messaged me on a website. We started talking there. He gave me his phone number. We talked every single day after that. A month later he asks me if I want to date him, so of course I said yes! Now I'm 17. We are still together and it has been the best years of my entire life. I LOVE HIM!!!

  • Kim Carcer by Kim Carcer, Philippines
  • 10 years ago

Oh man. I don't think I could get over for this poem! This poem is stunning! "that's all I can say".

  • Mozhgan. Iran by Mozhgan. Iran
  • 10 years ago

It was a touching poem. I wish the best and purest love and everlasting happiness for the poet.
May everyone experience true love.

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